Our ancestors also treated cash, banknotes, quite respectfully. They had signs that regulated how and how much money should be kept in the wallet. The implementation of these rules was supposed to help increase the amount of money, so it was necessary not only to properly arrange the bills, but also to choose the right wallet for them.

Step 1
Choose a wallet for money that is spacious, respectable and expensive. A cheap shabby wallet will not attract money; it bears the imprint of poverty and unpretentiousness. Its size should be such that bills of any size can be placed in it without folding. There should also be a convenient, separate pocket for small items. Choose a wallet made of natural materials, leather, suede, tapestry.
Step 2
Put a lucky coin or bill in your new wallet, the last two digits of the number of which coincide with your year of birth. Three or four is even better. The bill or coin must be donated or earned in some form of commemoration. They cannot be spent, they are not given into the hands of strangers either, they must lie “for luck,” to attract money. A strong monetary talisman is the one American dollar bill, which depicts an all-seeing eye on the Egyptian pyramid.
Step 3
If you have earned some amount, then you cannot spend it on the way home from work, bring the money home so that they spend the night at home in their wallet and so that they will always strive to return to your warm and cozy home afterwards. Your wallet should never remain empty, there should always be some, albeit small, amount of money in it.
Step 4
Keep your money in your wallet facing you, in descending order. The front side is where views of cities are depicted on Russian banknotes. They should also not lie upside down, wrinkled and not disassembled. The number of bills in the wallet compartment intended for paper money must be even, each piece of paper must have a pair.
Step 5
Try not to keep "easy" money in your wallet - won or found, it is better to give it to those in need or spend it as soon as possible.
Step 6
Do not keep unnecessary pieces of paper, notes, even photographs of loved ones in your wallet - they interrupt the energy of money. In Russia, pieces of horseradish root were carried in wallets to materialize monetary energy. In Feng Shui, you can keep a picture of a bunch of grapes, a leaf of mint or green tea in your wallet.