To conclude contracts, register loan applications, participate in tenders or register in information and reference databases, organizations need a well-written questionnaire. To present the company in a favorable light, you need to fill it out so that the user receives the maximum information.

Step 1
As a rule, the questionnaire contains the following sections: - general information about the company; - information about the founders and authorized capital; - registration data; - company activities; - financial and economic indicators; - information about the responsible persons; - contacts and details.
Step 2
When filling out the section "General information about the company", indicate its full and short name, organizational and legal form, and legal address. The spelling of letters and signs in the name of the organization (uppercase, lowercase, the presence of hyphens, the place of placing quotation marks, etc.) must strictly comply with the charter. Note the presence of branches and representative offices of the company, subsidiaries and affiliates. If the company is part of a holding or financial and industrial group, do not forget to reflect this in the questionnaire.
Step 3
Next, inform the size of the authorized capital, its structure (quantity, value of one share, total amount) and types (ordinary, preferred). When disclosing information about the founders, list the shareholders or participants of the enterprise indicating their last name, first name, patronymic for individuals or the name for legal entities, as well as the share of participation in percentage and in kind (in rubles).
Step 4
In the section "Registration data" write when and by what authority the company is registered, put on tax and statistical records.
Step 5
The description of the company should occupy the bulk of the questionnaire - from 300 to 2000 characters In this part, indicate the types of activities, the range of products and services provided, the distribution system (through branches, stores, from a warehouse, etc.), the number of personnel and its qualitative composition (workers, employees, engineers, etc.), geography of sales, market share, main competitors, suppliers, large buyers, share of imports and exports. Optionally, you can reflect the competitive advantages, strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise.
Step 6
Financial and economic indicators should contain information about the balance sheet currency, revenue, cost and profit - from sales to tax and net. Also, calculate your net worth and your operating profitability.
Step 7
In the section "Information about responsible persons" list the employees of the organization who have the right to make decisions and sign financial documents: director, chief accountant, and their deputies. Probably, you will need to provide their passport data, education and work experience, including in this area of business.
Step 8
In conclusion, indicate the contact information of the company: postal address, telephones, faxes, e-mail, website, bank details, as well as data of employees who can be contacted to clarify emerging issues.
Step 9
Of course, the scope of disclosure of information about the company depends on the purpose for which the questionnaire is drawn up, and some of the information may be a trade secret. To preserve it, determine the confidentiality boundaries with the partner requesting this information and sign the appropriate document.