Today, more and more people use their visa electron bank cards to carry out various mutual settlements, both on the Internet and in real life. In order to be able to carry out non-cash payments, find out the 16-digit number of your card: take the card in your hands and on the front side you will find a 16-digit number.

Step 1
Some visa electron cards have only 8 digits stamped. To find out the other 8, take your passport with you and go to the nearby bank branch where you ordered your card. There you will be provided with highly qualified assistance in solving this issue and will be provided with a full 16-digit number, having written down which, you can pay with your card, buying goods on the Internet and paying for various services. 8-digit numbers on credit visas are designed to protect you from fraudsters if they steal your card.
Step 2
Some so-called “salary” cards are not intended for outgoing money transfers. Therefore, no matter how you try to buy any product with this card, you will not succeed, since their main purpose is to give you wages and store it. To use your credit card correctly, carefully read the instructions for use and memorize the password. If the password is entered incorrectly three times, you will have to go through a long procedure for recovering it, so be extremely careful when withdrawing money from the ATM.
Step 3
The visa electron card is the most popular and reliable of all credit cards on the domestic market. Moreover, it can be used outside our country anywhere in the world. That is, when you go to, for example, vacation in Egypt or Turkey, you can always pay with your credit card. This is very convenient, since there is no need to constantly carry with you a huge bundle of paper bills that can be easily lost. They can also be stolen. Due to its compactness and convenience, the visa electron sberbank card will not go anywhere from you and will help you enjoy the warm sun without unnecessary worries. This card has an unlimited validity period. In case of its loss, the bank will kindly provide you with a new credit card, which you can use without any problems both for paying utility bills and for buying e-books on the Internet.