If we analyze the events of the recent history of Russia, we can see that a crisis occurs about once every 10-12 years. The next one, apparently, will be in 2018-2020, and it is better to think about how to behave in advance.

Step 1
Make a small supply of food. A person needs confidence in the future. If you do not work for yourself, then you can be fired at any time, so it is better to play it safe. If everything goes well, the food will not be wasted anyway.
Step 2
Filter the information you receive. Simply put, stop watching TV and reading newspapers. The media, even in good times, try to find the negative in everything, and the crisis for journalists is a “tidbit”. Therefore, limit the flow of news. You already learn the most important information from your friends, and you just don't need unimportant information. At the same time, the nerves remain calm.
Step 3
Look at the situation realistically. One can (and should) be an optimist, but in order to solve a problem, one must admit that it exists. During a crisis, many irreplaceable workers suddenly become replaceable, and successful businesses start to fall apart. However, remember that the Chinese character for "crisis" consists of two symbols: the first means "danger", the second means "important point." There is a chance that for you the crisis will become an opportunity to change your life, not for the worse, but for the better. There are many people who, in difficult times, improved their well-being by changing their type of activity.
Step 4
Prepare an "alternate airfield". Look for a part-time job that could become your main job in the long run. Perhaps this step will be the very “important decision”. Consider every option that is offered to you.
Step 5
Just beware of overtly fraudulent offers. During the crisis, many swindlers appear, various financial pyramids arise. Therefore, it is necessary to study each option very carefully. In doing so, strive for objectivity. If general panic also affects you, most likely you will see danger in the most advantageous offer.