Indicators such as blood pressure and pulse are for physicians the characteristics by which they can draw the first conclusions about the state of human health. These characteristics depend on how the most important human organ - the heart - works, and its functional state depends, among other things, on age.

Heart rate and age
The pulse rate depends on the heart rate that vibrates the walls of the arteries. Since these fluctuations are due to the tangible difference between the upper and lower blood pressure, which is normally about 40 mm Hg, it can be easily felt by pressing the artery with your finger. The most accessible point at which the pulse is probed is the inner side of the wrist, along which the radial artery passes.
Heart rate is a variable value and depends on many factors that defy any complex calculations and formulas. The pulse rate for each person is different and it will not be the same, even for two people of the same age under the same other conditions. It directly depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, the circumstances of the place, as well as age. The older a person is, the less often his heart contracts and his pulse beats.
In an average adult person who does not have heart problems, the heart rate at rest is 70-80 beats per minute. For a newborn, this figure is normally 140 beats / min, at the age of 1 year - 130 beats / min. By the age of 2, the pulse slows down to 100 beats / min, by the age of 7 - to beats / min, by the age of 14 - 80 beats / min. In old age, a person's pulse becomes less frequent and at 75 years old, 65-70 beats / min can be considered the norm.
After 60 years, you should give up alcohol, smoking and too fatty, spicy and plentiful food, which provoke an increase in heart rate and cause accelerated aging of the body.
Monitor your pulse
The main criterion for the rate of heart rate at any age remains well-being, if you do not feel discomfort, then your heart beats in your usual rhythm. But don't ignore changes in heart rate, which can be symptoms of many serious medical conditions. So, an increase or decrease in your usual rhythm can be a sign of coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis of the arteries, atrial fibrillation.
In old age, with coronary heart disease, an increase in heart rate to 85 beats per minute significantly increases the risk of sudden death.
Constant monitoring of the heart rate is especially important for older people who are already 70 or more years old. A sharp unreasonable decrease or increase in heart rate is a reason to contact a therapist or cardiologist as soon as possible, best of all, already having an electrocardiogram on hand.