Today, many adults are striving for independence. The financial situation in some families is rather difficult and therefore young people from an early age begin to look for a job and try to provide for themselves. You don't always have to rely on parental help, and borrowing money from relatives is not the best solution to the problem. Therefore, some try to go to the bank and get a loan.

Judging by the conditions imposed, it is not difficult to obtain it. But in reality, everything may turn out differently. So how realistic is it to get a loan at 18?
As in other cases of issuing funds, obtaining a loan at the age of 18 is also based on certain conditions. First of all, it concerns the possibility of receiving a loan by the recipient. To do this, you need to collect a package of documents that will confirm the identity of the client. And also many banks require you to submit a certificate of income. And if in the first case only a passport will be enough, then problems may appear in the second, because few at this age start working. This fact is the main barrier to obtaining a loan.
Another unpleasant moment in terms of lending is the interest rate. Most banks take risks by issuing loans and, accordingly, inflate interest rates.
But there is a way out of the situation, you just have to familiarize yourself with the information of various banks and find one that is ready to provide such a loan. There are few organizations that do not have any special requirements, and an income statement is not considered mandatory. However, in this case, a surety is required.
There is another option to take out a loan at the age of 18 - to provide the bank with real estate as collateral. Although many young people are unlikely to find their own apartment or house, parents can also make a similar deposit.
If you managed to find a suitable bank, then carefully study the conditions for applying for a loan. Most often, the amount should not exceed 500,000 rubles and the payment period is no more than 5 years. You can choose the loan repayment scheme yourself. Typically, you will be offered annuity or differentiated payments. If in the first case the payments will always be the same, then in the second the payment will decrease every month. But you must remember that choosing the second payment method, you will first encounter difficulties, but in the future, monthly payments will be much lower.