Beekeeping not only calms the nerves of any nature lover contemplating the entertaining life of his striped wards. This craft also brings a very pleasant bonus - sweet and aromatic homemade honey.

Step 1
Choose a suitable area for your apiary. It should be located at a distance from other beekeepers so that your bees will not be harmed if an epidemic breaks out in a nearby apiary. In addition, bee hives are best kept away from high-voltage transmission lines, large bodies of water, and areas where chemicals are used to control pests.
Step 2
Find the type of hive that is right for you to house the bees. The hives, called "loungers", are mobile, easy to carry and easy to inspect. An alternative to "loungers" are multi-body hives. They are much larger and heavier than their counterparts, but bees prefer them because of their great external resemblance to the hollow of a tree, where bees live in the wild.
Step 3
Build a fence around the apiary. Its height should be approximately one and a half to two and a half meters. Such a fence will help protect bees from strong and harsh gusts of wind. And if other people live next to the apiary, then thanks to the high fence they will be able to feel safe, since the bees will fly high enough above the ground, flying over the fence.
Step 4
Buy several colonies of bees, for a start it is better to limit yourself to three to five colonies, so that it is easier to keep them under supervision. Do not mix bees of different breeds, since such an independent crossing will invariably entail negative changes at the genetic level and degeneration of the breed, which means that the volume of collected honey will decrease.
Step 5
Find the right bee breed for your climatic conditions. For beekeeping in the generally cold climate of Russia, the Carpathian or Central Russian breed is well suited. The former are more difficult to tolerate cold weather, but they are distinguished by a peaceful nature. The latter are quite aggressive, but they are more frost-resistant, hardy and less at risk of catching any disease due to their strong immune system.