Everyone knows how many people do not like to pay taxes. Few people, for example renting apartments, share their profits with the state. To reduce sales tax, prices are also lowered when selling an apartment. There are many ways to evade taxes, as well as methods to combat such manifestations.

Step 1
The state is trying to force its illegal citizens to pay taxes in various ways, using the carrot-and-stick method. For example, the landlord is obliged to pay the state 13% for the lease of premises, but if he is registered as an individual entrepreneur, he may pay not 13%, but only 6. Or he may even buy a patent for 43 thousand rubles and pay nothing for a whole year.
Step 2
When persuasion does not work, forceful methods are used. Police officers are sent around suspicious apartments, they call on neighbors to "knock" about renting out their apartments, appeal to the conscience of tenants, and so on. They even punish them with substantial monetary fines. By the way, according to the 198th article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, you can even end up in prison.
Step 3
Nevertheless, people stubbornly refuse to share their hard-earned money with the state. And the reason here lies not only in the mental stinginess of Russian citizens, as in the unwillingness to fiddle with a bunch of documents, fill out tax returns, stand in line, etc. Well, perhaps the state should think about reducing the tax burden for certain categories of the population and simplifying bureaucratic procedures for declaring their income.
Step 4
During a sociological survey on this topic, 35, 8% of respondents answered that in order to solve the problem of tax evasion, it is necessary to create a differentiated taxation system, 28, 1% advocated a minimum of bureaucratic delays, 14, 1% for reducing the tax burden, and only 6, 7% for increasing the punishment for non-payment. In the meantime, there is an immense field of work for the tax police, investigators and prosecutors in the Russian environment, since now not only large companies, but also ordinary residents of the Russian Federation are evading taxes.
Step 5
A big problem is also presented by celebrities' fees, which are rarely advertised where. In Mexico, they approached the issue of paying taxes in a very original way. There, representatives of the bohemians were allowed to pay taxes in kind, that is, by their works. So now the tax department here is not only engaged in collecting taxes, but also selling art.