What Do You Need To Transfer Money

What Do You Need To Transfer Money
What Do You Need To Transfer Money

Sometimes an individual or legal entity needs to transfer funds to another account or another card. To do this, you should contact the bank itself, resort to the help of an ATM, terminal, or independently make a transfer using a computer and the Internet connected to it.

What do you need to transfer money
What do you need to transfer money

If you need to transfer money from a bank card, you should make a personal visit to the bank where your card is registered. Show your passport, driver's license, military ID or other identity document. Without it, you will not be able to prove that the plastic card belongs to you. Provide the details of the card (its number and current account number), and also tell the bank employee the code word that you invented when concluding the contract. To transfer funds to another person's card or savings book, you should have with you the personal data of their owner, as well as the data of the savings book (current account number) or bank card (account and card number).

If you have an ATM nearby and money needs to be transferred from your card to a card of another owner (and the card is registered with the same bank as yours), then you need to insert your card into the card reader. Enter the pin code, press the money transfer button on the ATM monitor. Dial the number of the card to which you want to transfer funds. Enter the amount of the transfer. Confirm the operation.

If you do not have the opportunity to come to the bank yourself or transfer money using an ATM, use the Qiwi payment system. To do this, you should register a wallet in the terminal that belongs to this owner by entering your phone number. Send the desired SMS message. Secure your card in the QIWI wallet by writing your current account number. Enter the required amount and transfer to your bank card.

If you have a computer and an Internet connection, go to the main page of the bank's website, which has a card or passbook. Go through registration, then identification, the features of which will be suggested to you by the support service operator. After connecting the online service, you can transfer funds to a card of the same or another bank, or to a savings book.
