Each bank in Russia sets the exchange rates independently, based on its own needs and taking as the base ratio the ratios fixed by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. And besides the local exchange rates and the Central Bank rate, there are also ratios that develop in the international currency market Forex. Therefore, you will have to choose from a considerable number of options, which can be recognized in different ways.

Step 1
You can find out the exchange rates established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation from the informers that are installed on many news sites, but it is more correct to use the web resource of this institution itself - the link to it is given below. Go to the main page and in the column "Main indicators of the financial market" you will find the exchange rates of the US dollar and the euro. To see a table with a complete list of ratios established by the Central Bank for other currencies, click on the link indicating the latest date.
Step 2
Use the media in your area - this is the traditional way of getting news, which also applies to exchange rates. Specialized programs on television, FM radio stations, special headings in local newspapers publish information on the exchange rates of the major currencies of a number of banks in your city.
Step 3
On the Internet, you can find services that provide similar information. A link to one of them is provided under this article. By default, the main page of the site displays information related to Moscow - click on the "Change" link to select a different city. The table contains the buying and selling rates, the name and address of the bank, the time of the last update of the information. In the header of the table, you can set the desired currency and sort order.
Step 4
If you need to find out the rates of national currency units that are currently established on the Forex market, you can also use network information resources. However, in order to constantly be able to receive the latest and most complete data, it is better to install a trading terminal of a broker company in the computer. A link to the site of one of these companies is given below - go to its main page, select one of the trading platforms and click on the "Download" link.
Step 5
After downloading and installing the terminal, fill out the form for creating a demo account (it's free) and you will get access to information about changes in the rates of several dozen currency pairs in real time.