How To Find Out The Refinancing Rate

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How To Find Out The Refinancing Rate
How To Find Out The Refinancing Rate

Video: How To Find Out The Refinancing Rate

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The refinancing rate is an important and effective tool for regulating the economic situation in the country. Its value affects many settlement operations, one of which is the payment of the interest rate when borrowing from a bank.

How to find out the refinancing rate
How to find out the refinancing rate

It is necessary

PC with Internet access


Step 1

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation alone determines the size of the refinancing rate. The percentage at which he lends to financial institutions is published in the media. With the help of this instrument, for example, the mandatory payments by individuals of tax on income saved on the interest from the use of borrowed money are regulated.

Step 2

Remember that the size of the refinancing rate is an important indicator that directly affects the amount of fines and penalties levied on companies for late payment of taxes. It also regulates the return flow of funds - refunds to companies of returned taxes in case of delay in their payments by the tax inspectorate.

Step 3

Visit the official website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. On the front page of the network resource, read the important economic information and find out the current value of the refinancing rate. If you are interested in a similar parameter for the past time date, go to the appropriate section.

Step 4

Get reliable information on the size of the refinancing rate on the official website of the ConsultantPlus electronic reference and legal system. Follow the link: and activate the line "Discount rate of the Bank of Russia" in the start window of the program. Network resources of similar SPS have a similar focus: Glavbukh, Garant, Referent and Kodeks.

Step 5

Please note that the refinancing rate is not constant, be careful when determining it. If you need to generate a report for the time periods during which the Central Bank changed the percentage, consider the information in proportion to the number of calendar days of the effective refinancing rate.
