How To Pay Back Loan Debts

How To Pay Back Loan Debts
How To Pay Back Loan Debts

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Debts that have arisen as a result of late payment of loan payments can be repaid on a voluntary or compulsory basis. If the debtor is not sure that he will be able to repay the debt in the near future, he can ask for a deferred payment or act in other available ways.

How to pay back loan debts
How to pay back loan debts

It is necessary

  • - application to the bank for a deferral;
  • - application to the court;
  • - performance list.


Step 1

The bank is obliged to notify you about the debt and its amount by SMS, sending it to the number that you gave when applying for a loan, or send a request for payment by mail by registered mail, handed over against receipt.

Step 2

You can voluntarily repay the entire amount of debt, fines, pennies, penalties in payment terminals or at the bank's cash desk. As soon as you have deposited the full amount of the debts, notify the bank that your obligations have been fulfilled.

Step 3

If you are unable to pay off the loan, contact the central office of the bank with an application for deferred payments. In accordance with the law, the bank can give a grace period for 6 months, but the interest rate on the loan will increase significantly. The deferral is provided to bona fide borrowers who previously regularly paid the loan, but due to the current circumstances, debts were formed. Confirm the validity of the reason with a certificate of dismissal, dismissal, illness or other documents confirming that you are temporarily unable to pay debts.

Step 4

If there is no good reason, get a loan from another bank to pay off the arisen debt. But this option is only suitable if you are sure that you will have the funds to pay off the newly issued loan.

Step 5

Failure to comply with the requirements of creditors can lead to the fact that the entire amount of debt, fines, penalties, forfeit will be collected from you forcibly. Within three years from the moment the debt arose, the creditor has the right to go to court.

Step 6

On the basis of a court order, a writ of execution will be issued, according to which it is possible to enforce collection from the debtor's income, savings bank accounts, from property, or to involve him in administrative forced labor for an unlimited period.
