A writ of execution is a document that meets certain requirements and has an established form. On the basis of it, a compulsory execution of a decision made by an arbitration court is carried out for a period of up to three years.

It is necessary
- - performance list;
- - a statement on the initiation of enforcement proceedings;
- - checking account;
- - passport.
Step 1
Upon receipt of the writ of execution, open a current account in any branch of the Sberbank of the Russian Federation, to which the debtor will make transfers in favor of the claimant until the debt is fully repaid.
Step 2
Apply to the bailiffs service to initiate enforcement proceedings, which will further entail the arrest of the debtor's property and funds belonging to him. When filling out the application, indicate the current account number. Leave the application and the original of the received writ of execution to the bailiff to carry out the procedure for the execution of the court's decision to collect the debt.
Step 3
If there is detailed reliable information about the debtor, provide it to the bailiff-executor in order to facilitate debt collection.
Step 4
Determine with the bailiff-executor the possible terms of debt collection, based on the information available about the debtor. Discuss a call schedule to monitor the outcome of the judgment.
Step 5
Establish the availability of open bank accounts of the debtor by contacting the bank's management by writing a statement. In it, state the request for enforced collection from the debtor of funds in favor of the claimant. Provide all the necessary documents at the request of the bank. After considering them, the bank is obliged to transfer money to the bank account of the claimant.
Step 6
To speed up the procedure for collecting a debt on a writ of execution, contact an organization that provides legal services. Make a formal contract with her. Do not forget to write down the terms and responsibilities of the parties, paying attention to the responsibility of the contractor to the customer. Submit all the necessary documents, monitoring the timing and quality of execution, in accordance with the concluded contract.