If you learn to control your income and expenses, you can significantly improve your financial situation and save up for a dream.

Step 1
No matter what your salary is, put aside 10% in your piggy bank every month. It doesn't matter what you collect, the main thing is not to waste money from there.
Step 2
No matter how you want to save money, you will have to allocate a certain amount for the Internet, housing and communal services and mobile communications.
Step 3
As for the cost of food, it is difficult to calculate here. Each region has its own prices, and each family has its own needs. Just calculate how much money you spend on food per month and set aside that amount for food.
Step 4
Go through your wardrobe, choose clothes that you can not change this season. If you are in urgent need of new boots or coats, get them at the seasonal sale or at the promotional offer of stores.
Step 5
Calculate how much money you spend on transport every month, include all expenses, including the cost of maintaining a personal car.
Step 6
You can save a lot on entertainment. For example, don't go to a concert of your favorite band. However, if such entertainment saves you from depression, do not give up on them.
Step 7
It is not worth saving on education, this is the contribution that you will definitely pay off and will not lose. Therefore, feel free to sign up for refresher courses or to acquire a skill.
Step 8
Avoid small expenses, for example, instead of paying for a package at the supermarket, take a bag with you.