Every day there are those who were able to get out of debt. Why are you worse than them? Here are some saving tips to help you allocate funds to pay off your debt and loans.

Making plans
The first thing to do is just sit down and look at the numbers that are. In particular, it is necessary to look at all items of income, expenses and sum up all existing debts. Based on the calculations, an action plan must be developed. Also, if you look at your calculations, you can see what and how you can save at least a little.

When all these actions are completed, it is necessary to establish a rule: you cannot discard or neglect the drawn up budget plan.
What debts do you need to pay off?
First of all, you need to pay attention to those debts that have the highest interest rate. Interest tends to accumulate, and the higher the rate, the greater the amount of interest. Accordingly, the longer you pull, the more you will have to pay for interest.
Food and entertainment
Many, despite the debts, still go to clubs and cinemas, but even more prefer not to cook food for dinner, but to buy it. It's fast, it tastes good, but it costs money. Of course, no one forces you to get rid of all this, but it is better to reduce the cost of entertainment than neglect debts and loans.

Part-time job
If after a working day you are not very tired, or if the times are really tough, you might consider taking a part-time job. It can be any activity that brings in at least a few thousand a month. There is no need to look for something complex and daily. You can go to work as a salesperson on weekends or try yourself as a freelancer.
Unnecessary things
Another option for a part-time job. Yes, yes, this is also a kind of work. It is necessary to take all those things that are not a pity to sell, describe them correctly and photograph them for advertising, and then put them up for sale. Nowadays there are a lot of different sites and groups on social networks in which you can sell things.

If you have normal relations with your parents, and your family is not yet there, you can return home to your relatives for a while. So you can save on rent (if you have to live in a rented apartment), or rent out your apartment.