Do you want to start getting stakes in large and well-known brands and companies in Russia and the United States without spending extra money on unnecessary expenses? Find out how any citizen of the Russian Federation over 18 years old can open a brokerage account for free, which does not require a monthly subscription fee, and start building up their capital that grows in the long term in rubles or US dollars, yielding dividends 1, 2 or 4 times a year.

In order to start creating your capital, you just need to open a brokerage account with any broker, transfer funds to it and buy securities on them. After that, you become a shareholder of the company and receive the right to own part of the capital, vote and receive dividends that can be withdrawn to the card. Next, I will give three brokers with which you can buy securities without any restrictions on the minimum account size, without the obligatory periodic fee, which is especially important if you rarely make transactions or want to open accounts with several brokers, without large commissions (several rubles per 10 thousand rubles of turnover for Russian securities). It is assumed that you already know how to work with the QUIK TS or easily learn how to use it yourself.
The first such broker is Gazprombank-Broker. Its tariff:
- Opening an account - 0 rubles;
- Subscription fee - 0 rubles / month;
- Subscription fee for the card - 0 rubles / month;
- Commission at the daily rate - 0.085% (8.5 rubles per 10 thousand rubles of turnover);
- Commission for input-output from a card to a brokerage account - 0 rubles;
- Commission for replenishment of the card / withdrawal to other people's cards - 0 rubles. without minimum restrictions.
Thus, if you have 10 thousand rubles that you intend to invest in the Russian stock market, then, having bought securities for everything, your costs will be only 8, 5 rubles. At the same time, even if you decide not to use the account for several months, you will not have to pay a dime anymore, and the withdrawal of dividends to any card of a Russian bank, even if it is only 100 rubles. or less is free.
The main difference between this broker and others in this article is that you can start investing even with a few rubles. Thanks to a full-fledged auction of incomplete lots, after 17:00 Moscow time you can, having 1000 r. create a full-fledged diversified portfolio. An example based on recent data: Gazprom share (160 rubles), Sberbank share (200 rubles), MTS share (270 rubles), 3 shares of MMK (156 rubles), AK ALROSA share (106 rubles) and a share of the Moscow Exchange (97, 20 p.) - thus you will spend 989, 2 p. + 85 kopecks (commission) = 990, 05 p. and get at least a not ideal, but balanced portfolio without any restrictions: you will be the same shareholder as other market participants, you will receive dividends per share.
There is one more unique feature of this broker - it is an authenticator, a special device with a button and a screen. Thanks to it, even if your computer is hacked, an attacker will not be able to enter QUIK without entering the numbers that are displayed when the button is pressed. This set of numbers changes every minute, so the information that was displayed a few minutes ago is no longer relevant. It is better not to lose this device, because for a new one you will have to pay about 700 rubles.
In order to open a brokerage account, it is enough to leave a request on the official website. After that, they will call you and tell you about the next steps. Usually, it is enough to come with a passport to the bank department and sign the documents. If you do not want to use leverage or do not know why they are needed, then explain to the employee that you are going to open a regular account "without leverage" and you will be shown in which places you need to tick. After that, you will be sent a simple instruction on how to install QUIK and register keys by e-mail.
In order to deposit money into an account, you need to go to any ATM, insert a card and complete the operation of crediting funds to a brokerage account. In this case, you must remember the number of your contract.
In order to withdraw funds, it is enough to go to the site, enter your data and perform the operation Non-trading orders-> Orders for a refund, as in the picture:

Select "Create a new order"

Next, in the application, select the write-off site and enter the write-off amount. If some data needs to be filled in, but the lines are displayed in gray (not allowed to edit), write about it to the e-mail that will be given to you when you open an account, usually the error is corrected during the working day:

At the bottom right of the page, click "Continue":

Next, check that all the data has been entered correctly, enter the code from the SMS and click "Send":

After these actions, the application will begin to be processed and, if there are enough free funds on your brokerage account, then the specified amount will be transferred to the card within two days. Then the money can be withdrawn to any other bank or spent from the same card.
If you are already familiar with the QUIK trading system, then these instructions are enough to invest with this broker.
If you decide to use this broker, then you must take into account several of its disadvantages:
- Crediting funds to a brokerage account is possible either free of charge through an ATM, or by connecting the paid service "Home Bank". This means that if you do not want to incur additional costs, then somewhere near you there should be a Gazprombank ATM;
- QUIK is a little slower in the sense that if you go far outside the city, and you only have slow mobile Internet, then it is possible that you will not be able to connect to the server at all;
- There is no way to open a second account (for example, to use "leverage"), but you can connect leverage for the first (I did not use it);
- If you do not connect Home Bank, the transfer from card to card is possible only as an operation from another card.
Next broker, Tinkoff Investments. Its tariff:
- Opening an account - 0 rubles;
- Subscription fee due to:
- at the "Investor" tariff 99 rubles / month if transactions were made, otherwise - 0 rubles;
- at the "Trader" tariff 590 rubles / month if transactions were made, otherwise - 0 rubles;
- Mandatory subscription fee for the card is 0 rubles / month (but there is a charge for SMS informing, if you do not want to pay 60 rubles / month, then ask the operator to turn it off in the chat of the mobile application; be sure to check the item about the monthly fee if you are not going to open a deposit in the amount of 30 thousand rubles);
- Commission:
- at the “Investor” tariff 0.3% (30 rubles per 10 thousand rubles of turnover);
- at the "Trader" tariff 0.03% (3 rubles per 10 thousand rubles of turnover);
- (take into account the subscription fee for the tariff);
- Commission for input-output from a card to a brokerage account 24/7 - 0 rubles;
- Commission for replenishment of the card / withdrawal to other people's cards - 0 rubles. for amounts from 3 thousand rubles. Amounts up to 3 thousand rubles. can be withdrawn to electronic wallets. Otherwise, the commission will be 90 rubles.
- Commission for withdrawing cash at any ATM in the world - 0 rubles. for amounts more than 3 thousand rubles. and 90 p. otherwise.
This broker is distinguished primarily by the fact that it provides access to many securities of the New York and London stock exchanges (in addition to the Moscow Stock Exchange and ADRs of some Russian companies). Another important feature of this broker is mobile applications for the card and brokerage account with an intuitive interface. Each purchase / sale operation must be confirmed by SMS, so operations from accidental clicks are excluded.
Also, this broker allows you to buy and sell US dollars and euros from 1 unit at a rate more profitable than in the "exchange offices" on the street.
Since Tinkoff-Bank is one of the most modern and customer-oriented, you will be given the opportunity to withdraw and deposit funds 24/7 instantly and without commissions - now you don't have to wait until the weekend ends, the market opens and 2 working days for the transfer. Everything will be done with the help of a free service that connects an overdraft at the time of funds transfer.
If you just want to invest in the economy of the USA, China, Russia, England, Australia, Japan or Germany, then using Tinkoff Investments this can be done as easily as buying any other security:

As you can see, ETF units cost only a few thousand rubles.
There is another interesting product that will greatly help you avoid the next annoying situation. Suppose that in 3-4 years you need, for example, to pay for education for yourself or your child and you already have most of the required amount. You consider it necessary to make payment in the future, but at the same time you see great potential in the American or world economy and do not want to miss the opportunity. What to do in such a situation? Of course, you can take a risk and invest in ETFs on American securities (FXUS) or form a portfolio of all available ETFs, but in the event of a economic downturn, crisis or other unpleasant events, it may happen that even half of the initial capital will not be left from the invested funds, and you will simply have nothing to pay for your education. Agree, an unpleasant situation. You can, of course, put these funds in a bank or invest in OFZs and not worry about anything, but then if the market grows, you will not earn anything significant. Especially for such situations, Alfa-Bank and VTB Bank have released insurance products, investment life insurance (ILI) policies, which allow you to invest in the American or world economy and, in case of growth, take half of the profit, and in the event of a fall or even a crisis, return 100% of the invested capital (allowing you to pay for education in our example). At the same time, if necessary, you can take 72-94% of the invested capital ahead of schedule (see the next example).

There is another interesting situation in which one of the policies will help you. Suppose that you, being a professional participant in the financial market or simply referring to an authoritative analyst in your opinion, assume that in the next few years or even months there is a high probability of a crisis and a sharp drop in world quotations, otherwise the economic growth will be low. What can be done in this situation? Of course, you can invest most of your capital in reliable bonds and deposits, and then just wait until you can take advantage of the situation and buy up assets that have fallen in price. But what if you turn out to be wrong? What if the economy continues to grow and the crisis never comes? In this case, you run the risk of barely catching up with inflation, because deposits and reliable bonds are needed just to save money from it.
In this case, the opportunity to invest in a life insurance policy comes to the rescue again. According to the conditions, you can withdraw more than 70% of the capital back even immediately after the investment, and after a year and 2 years later, this ratio is noticeably higher than 90%! And then, if a crisis comes, and the quotes of the largest companies fall by 50-80%, then you, having lost only 6-28% on withdrawals, will still make great money on the restoration of the economy to its previous level. But if your forecast does not come true, and the economy continues to grow at the same rate, you will earn half of this growth, which is much better than interest on deposits and bonds.

And, of course, being an insurance product, the policy allows you to return 100% of the invested funds in case of death for any reason, and in case of death due to an accident 200% of the insured amount.
Another feature of the bank is the tariff for servicing the card, cashback and the minimum deposit amount. You have 3 options, choose the most profitable one:
- Free service when opening a deposit from 30 thousand rubles. with cashback for any amount and balance of funds;
- Paid service without a deposit and the presence of this amount on a card with cashback;
- Free service without opening a deposit and without a cashback if there is an amount of up to 100 thousand rubles on the card, but with a cashback if there is more than 100 thousand rubles on the card.
If you do not want to keep large funds on a deposit or just on a card, but want to start investing, I recommend the third option. In any case, it is better to clarify all the details with the manager by phone or in the application chat. Be sure to include all conditions that are important to you.
With all these features, it should also be remembered that the broker is constantly evolving and looking for ways to open new markets for clients. When I first started, there were only shares and bonds of the largest Russian and American companies, but after a few months, almost all securities from the Moscow Exchange (including illiquid ones) were added, many new securities from the NYSE, NASDAQ and LSE. And who knows, maybe in the near future we will have a free analogue of Interactive Brokers with no minimum restrictions on entry and monthly fees …
What else can this broker do? In the United States, the tax on dividends for residents is 30%, but in Russia it is only 13%. Tinkoff Investments can reduce the tax on many US stocks from 30% to 10%. However, in this case, you will need to file a tax return in order to pay the remaining 3%.
In order to perform this operation, you need to download, print, sign and scan a special document (remember that you must not be a US resident). The document can be downloaded as you open an account by entering your personal account through a browser and selecting the appropriate option. We send the scanned document there. After that, your check status will be displayed as follows:

If you decide to use this broker, then you must definitely take into account several of its disadvantages (in comparison with other brokers in this article):
- The minimum limit is 3 thousand rubles. to withdraw funds from card to card and withdraw cash from ATMs, with the exception of Tinkoff-Bank ATMs (check this item with the manager) and transfer to electronic wallets (Yandex. Money, etc.);
- There are no some illiquid securities like Slavneft-Yanos, but you may have never heard of them, and it is not a fact that they will not be added (see the paragraph on the continuous development of the broker).
- There is no TS QUIK (but it is not particularly needed here, since the application and the web interface are ideal for long-term and medium-term operations);
- There is no auction with small lots, so shares of such companies as NOVATEK or Severstal can be bought with 10-11 thousand rubles. (at the prices at the moment).
The last broker for today, Promsvyazbank-Broker. Its tariff:
- Opening an account - 0 rubles;
- Subscription fee - 0 rubles / month;
- Subscription fee for the card - 0 rubles / month;
- Commission at the daily rate - 0.05% (5 rubles for 10 thousand rubles of turnover)
- Commission for input-output from a card to a brokerage account - 0 rubles;
- Commission for replenishment of the card - 0 rubles;
- Commission for withdrawal to other people's cards - 1.5%, but not less than 30 rubles;
- Mobile application for card transactions and depositing funds to a brokerage account - 0 rubles;
- Leverage: ~ 17% per annum for long and 15% for short positions (if connected).
This broker is very similar to the first one, but has several important differences:
- In addition to QUIK, Web-QUIK is provided free of charge for purchasing securities through a browser, but its interface leaves much to be desired, although you can get used to it if you just need to buy Russian securities from time to time;
- You can open a second account free of charge without visiting the office (for example, for the possibility of using leverage and speculative transactions), which does not depend on the first. I indicated the leverage interest rate in the paragraph with tariffs. At the same time, one very important feature of such a loan should be remembered: if you have a need to get some amount, then you can simply withdraw money into the leverage secured by liquid securities on this account, without selling them (which means that you do not incur tax costs profit). You can repay such a loan at any time, but you need to take into account that if the prices of securities fall too low, the broker will start selling them in order to pay off the debt, and the loan rate is much higher than the usual consumer rate. But you don't need to go anywhere, collect salary certificates and generally prove something to the bank: just leave a request for withdrawal and wait 1-2 business days.
If you decide to use this broker, then you must definitely take into account several of its disadvantages (in comparison with other brokers in this article):
- Commission for withdrawing funds to other cards 1.5%, but not less than 30 rubles;
- There is no full-fledged auction with small lots - you can only sell or buy up to a full lot “by vote”.
In order to withdraw money to leverage or simply withdraw free funds, you need to go one of the following ways:
1. Go to QUIK and select Extensions-> Non-trading orders-> Withdraw funds (DS). After that, select the site for debiting and the amount:

2.1. Go to the internet bank website, enter your username / password and enter your personal account; 2.2. At the bottom left, find the "Investments" section and select the desired agreement (in this example, you need to choose one of the two):

2.3. Display all operations:

2.4. Select "Withdraw funds":

2.5. Choose an agreement, a platform for debiting, currency and amount. At the same time, take into account the following feature: if you sold securities at a profit and have not yet paid personal income tax for these operations, then be sure to tick the "Consent to partial execution" box, otherwise the funds will not be withdrawn.

2.6. Indicate the amount and send your application.
It is much easier to get funds, there are also 2 ways:
1. Through the site 1.1. Similarly to the conclusion, select the operation "Top up the account" in your personal account 1.2. Select the agreement number, the deposit platform and the debiting account, enter the amount.
2. Through the mobile application 2.1. Enter the PSB mobile application (can be downloaded for Android or iOS) 2.2. Select the menu

2.3. Select "Payments and transfers"

2.4. Click "MORE"

2.5. Choose "To a brokerage account"

2.6. Choose the contract number and follow the instructions.
These instructions are sufficient to carry out the necessary operations for a long-term investor.
You can open an account with this broker on the official website.
You can open an account with all of the above brokers without having to incur any additional service costs. You can easily create a portfolio and forget about it for several months without paying a penny and withdrawing dividends.