How Much Does It Cost To Open A Business

How Much Does It Cost To Open A Business
How Much Does It Cost To Open A Business

If you have long dreamed of opening your own business, but at the same time do not have enough funds, it does not matter, because now such a goal can be achieved for very little money.

Starting a business: what costs will be required?
Starting a business: what costs will be required?

Sometimes there comes a moment in life when you irresistibly want to try your hand at something that belongs only to you. For a certain period, a person just gets tired of constantly going to work, where they pay, of course, little, but demand a lot.

The thought arises of why not try to open your own business. This is where all the fun begins. Armed with a piece of paper and a writing tool, a person begins to build a project and calculate how much money he will need to achieve such a goal.

How to start your own business

There are several steps to help you set up your business:

1. You need to open an account with a bank, and this service will cost you about 750 rubles.

2. About 1000 rubles will cost a signature for making an entry about an individual entrepreneur in the USRIP, certified by a notary.

3. You will also need to pay a state fee, the cost of which is 800 rubles.

4. You will also need to purchase a personal seal. If you choose the usual one, then you will spend at least 350 rubles, and by ordering a seal with the coat of arms of the Russian Federation, you will give 3500 rubles.

Thus, to open your business without outside help, you will spend a little more than 3000 rubles, if, of course, you save on printing. Seeking support from the right company will significantly increase your expenses by several thousand rubles, since its services will include qualified consultation, verification and thorough preparation of all the documents you need.

Significant costs

The above have listed only the main points that must be passed in order for you to become eligible for your own business. Then the most difficult thing begins, in front of you there are documents confirming the ability to fulfill your dream at a given second. Now you need to find the product that you will sell, and then you should start looking for premises for trade.

Automation of trading processes is now a fairly popular activity. Such an industry can be attributed to the vending business, which is usually carried out using vending machines for the sale of goods. It follows from this that the initial investment falls on that very trade equipment, and it, in turn, is not cheap.

Many entrepreneurs claim that the initial costs in this area of business can range from 15 to 30 thousand euros. This is a pretty impressive amount, so if you decide to do just such a thing, then you should prepare in advance.

Consulting services are also developing at an accelerated pace. The business of this area is based on intellectual activity, in other words, consulting services, recommendations, expert advice in a particular direction are related to consulting services. To create such a business, you need an office space to work and a place to receive clients.

You can rent an office for a very round sum of 10 thousand rubles or more. In addition, you will need to seriously spend money on office furniture and computer equipment, the costs will be in the range of 30 to 120 thousand rubles. Do not forget that, as in any other area of business, you will have to attract customers, this expense item can reach 7-20 thousand rubles. To keep in touch with regular customers, you will have to keep costs on communications and travel, this can include Internet access, mobile communications, transportation costs, as well as the costs of organizing and maintaining office work. Therefore, another 5-20 thousand rubles should be added to the above costs.

The next point is the search for personnel and reliable employees who will help you for a certain salary in a difficult, but worthwhile business.

In addition to the initial investment, you will be required to form the authorized capital. This is a kind of aggregate of funds of the founders in the property when opening their enterprise for the constant provision of its activities in the amount indicated in the constituent documents.

The authorized capital is usually fixed at the time of state registration of a new enterprise. This capital gives the right to own and dispose of property, and also provides a guarantor for the property rights of shareholders. It is worth noting that in addition to the authorized capital, there is also borrowed capital, in this case you can take a loan from a bank to develop your business or borrow the necessary amount from someone close to you on receipt.
