After you have created your site, you need to properly start promoting it, that is, see your first visitors on it! The main thing is not just visitors, but potential visitors. From the outside it seems difficult to any novice Internet businessman, but in fact it is very simple.

It is necessary
Your site, your mind, the means to pay for advertising
Step 1
First, you need to add your own website to Yandex. Webmaster, a service where your site will begin to be recognized by search engines when they search for it. This will provide you with further website promotion in search engines and raising its TIC and PageRank.

Step 2
After adding a site to Yandex. When a webmaster searches for your site, it is not something that will not even enter the top ten, but rather it will be in one of the last places. For people to start finding your site, you need to start advertising it. There are services for free website promotion. But as a rule, they ask to "exchange" advertisements. That is, you place their banner on your site, and they are engaged in the promotion of your site. If you do not mind placing bulky banners, pop-up windows, then you can use such services. Moreover, such free systems promote your site for about one month.

Step 3
If you do not have time to wait for the first thirty visitors for exactly thirty days, paid promotion systems, for example, Google, will come to your aid. AdWords. It is a system that has been trusted by prominent internet entrepreneurs for several years. The creators keep the amount of one click a secret and ask clients not to disclose this amount, but it depends on how well the site from which the visitor is promoted is promoted. Systems of such promotion as Google. AdWords are called contextual. There is also banner advertising on a single site. Surely you have seen ads with animation or in the form of a picture more than once. This is banner advertising. It costs several times more expensive than a contextual system, but it is many times more effective if it is correctly placed on the right sites.