Obtaining the greatest profit with the maximum use of available resources and minimum costs characterize the economic efficiency of production. This economic indicator characterizes labor productivity and the usefulness of using raw materials, materials and production facilities.

Today in the world, the indicator of economic efficiency is expressed in various forms. At the production level, this indicator is defined as the profitability of production, and at the state level, it is expressed as national production results per unit of time or work unit.
The characteristic of economic efficiency is a comparison of production results with production costs. According to its characteristics, production efficiency is divided into several types: according to the consequences - environmental, social and economic; by the place of effect - local (self-financing) and national economic; by frequency - one-time and animation. The combination of these types reflects the efficiency of production at a particular enterprise.
Necessary costs
To obtain an economic effect, there are necessary costs, which are divided into two groups. Current costs are associated with the purchase of raw materials, materials for production, energy costs, payroll and product sales. One-time costs imply investments in the development of working capital, which subsequently serve to update the organization's fixed assets, to introduce innovative production technologies, capital construction, lending, and the development of new areas of activity.
Increasing production efficiency: factors
When analyzing the effectiveness of the organization, factors that could increase the efficiency of production should be taken into account. These factors can be divided into vector directions.
The first vector is an increase in the level of efficient use of resources available in production. The second is to stimulate working personnel in order to increase the percentage of labor productivity. The third vector is the maximum mobilization of internal funds of the enterprise. And the fourth is constant monitoring and analysis of the above factors that affect the effective operation of the enterprise.
The main criteria for production efficiency
The main indicators of production efficiency are divided into two subgroups.
The first subgroup implies general indicators: the volume of products for sale per unit of cost; profit per unit of gross costs, costs per ruble of profit, profitability of production, the percentage of an increase in the volume of goods produced by increasing production.
The second category consists of indicators of the use of funds involved in production (total capital productivity), return on assets, return on assets of production assets, capital intensity per unit of output.