Release of personnel are complex measures that represent a timely response to economic, technological, and organizational changes. Its task is to change the number of employees - to reduce staff.

Release of personnel
The problem of releasing personnel is always associated with a decrease in the number of employees in the enterprise. The reaction of employees is always negative, since the release for them is a potential threat of loss of earnings. Therefore, a set of measures aimed at releasing personnel must be matched to a specific organizational, economic and social situation in a particular organization. There are no universal recommendations.
The extreme, radical and most negative measure in this process is layoffs for staff reductions, when the forceful method of releasing workers is used. They are simply dismissed, not taking into account the length of service, work experience and qualifications. It is advisable to avoid extreme measures, as this leads to unwanted conflicts in the team and even litigation.
Personnel release measures
When releasing personnel, drastic measures can be avoided by using sparing complex measures. A special scheme has been developed. First, the hiring of new employees is stopped, at the second stage, the retraining of employees begins for the vacated positions that are retained at the enterprise. Voluntary release of persons of retirement age with incentive payments is possible. Abbreviated week or part-time, unpaid leave, administrative leave are used.
When managing the personnel of an enterprise, it is necessary to understand that you cannot lose qualified specialists in order to reduce costs. In the future, this may lead to a shortage of personnel in the implementation of the company's activities. It is necessary to analyze the activities of the enterprise, find options and adjust the work of personnel to changing conditions, all this will prevent the release of personnel. Conduct an analysis of the services received by the company, which the staff can temporarily perform themselves. Thus, two problems are simultaneously solved at once: cost savings and retention of employees in the team. The additional income that can be obtained in this situation is analyzed in a similar way.
But this does not mean that bad, conflicted, unskilled specialists and employees who grossly violate labor discipline should also be retained at the enterprise. It is they who must be released in accordance with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and in the interests of the further development of the enterprise.