The Sochi Olympics became the largest and most expensive in the history of the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, glorifying Russia throughout the world. The Games in Sochi were visited by thousands of foreign tourists who took home a lot of impressions of the stunning level of the 2014 Games. So what are the forecasts for the development of the resort city after the Olympics are given by experts?

State Duma proposals
Deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation came up with various proposals for the further development of Sochi after the end of the Olympics. So, during the discussion, they proposed to transfer new objects of the city's sports and tourism infrastructure under the patronage of the Rosturizm Sochi company. This will make it possible to create a single control center for all ice rinks, stadiums and other complexes, as a result of which an optimal ratio of price and quality will be ensured.
Due to the optimal ratio of price and quality, more Russian and foreign tourists will come to Sochi.
In addition, it is predicted that Sochi will turn into a year-round resort, since the city already has a very attractive infrastructure, and it remains to add more interesting "chips" that can interest people. There is also a not very rosy forecast - according to experts, the first years after the Olympics will not be very profitable for Sochi, so private entrepreneurs will hardly be able to “recoup” their financial investments.
Promising directions
According to some forecasts, Sochi may well become an excellent platform for the creation of a children's and youth health camp or a base for sports and recreation. There is an option with the creation of a local analogue of Las Vegas, but the idea of a children's tourist and recreational center still seems more likely. Today, there are heated discussions about the further use of the powerful tourist potential of Sochi, but everything depends on the cost of tourist services.
Vacation prices are traditionally the main decisive criterion for the average Russian, so they should be balanced as much as possible.
The heads of travel agencies predict the stability of prices for holidays in Sochi, provided that a sufficient inbound tourist flow remains after the Olympics. With sufficient congestion of local hotels and other recreational infrastructure, Sochi will be able to maintain an acceptable cost of the resort services provided. In addition, the development of tourism in Sochi is directly related to the seasonality - the attendance of certain objects at one time or another of the year. However, preparations for the Olympics allowed the resort to be promoted in the beach, ski, health and business areas, which will make it possible to balance the tourist flow in all seasons.