Companies develop different types of strategies: corporate, for a business unit, global, political, etc. Corresponding tasks are solved at each level. For example, consider a small business with fewer than 500 employees.

Step 1
Find the answer to the question, what type (s) of business a company should be in to compete successfully in the market. Think about whether you need to expand production, add new models, focus on one thing, involve one or more suppliers in cooperation, etc. You must have a good understanding of the desired scale of activity, the connections between different types of business and how to manage them.
Step 2
Formulate which markets the company should serve. Deciding who you will not serve is an important issue due to the limitations of small businesses compared to large competitors. Don't waste resources on enticing market opportunities, lest you dissipate limited forces.
Step 3
Make a list of stakeholders in any way connected with your business - this is part of the political strategy of large companies, but you should also not overlook these points. Records can include employees, shareholders, media, suppliers, etc. Think about which relationships with representatives of these groups are too weak and need to be developed. List candidates with whom you have no connections.
Step 4
Decide how to compete. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of not only existing rivals, but also potential competitors - for this you need to observe new industries.
Step 5
Pick a niche to specialize in. Find sources of market advantage in it and figure out how to win this segment.
Step 6
Work through the funding needed to support the chosen development path. Identify the resources that are already available and necessary for attracting.
Step 7
Analyze the organizational form and structure of the company - whether they correspond to the stated goals. Decide which organizational processes need to be changed to make this happen.
Step 8
Based on the information gathered, draw up an action plan.