Central Bank Of The Russian Federation And Its Functions

Central Bank Of The Russian Federation And Its Functions
Central Bank Of The Russian Federation And Its Functions

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation - the Central Bank of the Russian Federation - is in charge of regulating all financial and credit systems of the state, as well as the relationship between the government and economic structures. What is its functionality, every citizen of Russia is obliged to know.

Central Bank of the Russian Federation and its functions
Central Bank of the Russian Federation and its functions

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is the main bank of the country, the property and authorized capital of which belongs to the federal subject - the Russian Federation. Its functionality and activities are regulated by the State Duma, and all financial organizations existing in the state, both state and commercial, are subordinate to it.

Main objectives and legal status of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

The legal status of this financial structure is approved by the law of the Russian Federation. It is a legal entity, under the authority of the State Duma, operates on the basis of the authorized capital owned by the state. According to article 75 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Central Bank has 4 main goals that it must fulfill:

  • emission of the main monetary unit of the state,
  • determination of the ruble's stability against other currencies and its protection,
  • regulation of the tax system and the principle of their collection,
  • issue of government securities for loans.

In addition, the inflation balance is under the control of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The organization has the right to regulate it, give forecasts and recommendations to the economic structures of the state on further actions.

The legal status of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation obliges it to engage in the emission of funds - their release into circulation in non-cash form. Representatives of the organization and analysts have the right to track the reserve funds of commercial financial structures and declare them bankrupt if the reserve is underestimated.

Functions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

The capabilities (functions) of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are strictly regulated and regulated by certain articles of the Constitution of the state. The main tasks of the organization:

  • maintaining internal and external monetary policy of the state,
  • emission of non-cash and cash funds and monitoring of their circulation,
  • refinancing of credit, pawnshop systems in order to ensure their liquidity,
  • the establishment of rules for monetary circulation - payments, settlements, time intervals for them,
  • banking supervision as a state monopoly.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation faces such tasks as registration and licensing of financial activities of legal entities on the territory of Russia, formation of highly specialized instructions, audit and inspection of the operation of small and large banking systems, including those of international importance, if their representative offices operate on Russian territory, financial services employees. The central bank has the right to impose a ban on one or another type of bank activity if it threatens the growth of the country's economy.

Regional structure of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

In addition to the head office of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which is located in Moscow, there are its representative offices in each federal district - departments, national banks and cash settlement institutions.

Territorial representative offices belong to the second level of the management system of the Bank of Russia. They function as branches, under a power of attorney from the Central Bank, and are not legal entities. Such structuring of financial organizations is used by all banks operating in our state.

Settlement and cash institutions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation can be

  • head,
  • district, regional or regional,
  • district.

The lowest level in the regional structure of the Central Bank is the field branches (institutions). They operate in special conditions - in organizations and on the territory of state military units, special-purpose units. Their goals and objectives include regulating the financial capabilities and reserves of these structures, providing them with cash and non-cash funds, maintaining their accounting accounts. These branches may even be outside the Russian Federation, but their functionality and capabilities are not reduced.
