It takes a lot of effort and money to open a new commercial bank. After all, these are constant financial flows. At the same time, quite a lot of banks have already been created and the competition is great. However, despite all these circumstances, the creation and registration of a bank is possible subject to certain rules.

It is necessary
- - start-up capital;
- - business plan;
- - premises;
- - charter;
- - memorandum of association.
Step 1
Develop a preliminary business project for a future commercial lending institution. In it, evaluate your own development opportunities for the bank. Identify those persons who will be your partners and founders of the bank. Provide financial opportunities for the normal operation of the future enterprise.
Step 2
Pay attention to the conditions specified in the law. In particular, the authorized capital of any commercial bank must be at least 180 million rubles. In this case, documents will be required that can confirm the legality of the origin of these funds.
Step 3
Check out the founders of the commercial bank. They must have a good reputation, which implies under themselves: no criminal record for any economic crimes, fulfillment of all existing financial obligations to the Russian state and its citizens. All this information must be documented.
Step 4
Choose the most suitable organizational form for the bank. You can create it as an LLC or as a joint stock company. It is best to consult a qualified lawyer about this.
Step 5
Find a name for your bank. Then, with the help of a lawyer, draw up the memorandum of association, the preparation of which you should have previously discussed with your partners (founders).
Step 6
Together with partners, create a charter of a credit institution, as well as a detailed and final version of a business strategy.
Step 7
Pick up working staff. First of all, it is necessary to determine the structure of bank management. This system should include various functional services and departments. Distribute the functions of the bank in an optimal way. The efficiency of the bank as a whole will depend on this.
Step 8
Go through the bank registration procedure. For these purposes, submit to the regional branch of the Central Bank the necessary package of documents, which is determined by the law on banking activities. As a rule, it includes a charter, a statement, a memorandum of association, information about the founders, a receipt for payment of duties, a document on the right to use the premises.