Investment is an investment of money with the aim of earning profit in the future. In order for the invested money to work and make a profit, it must be properly invested.

Step 1
Open a deposit in a bank (deposit) - this is perhaps the most common and safe investment option. Choose for how long you will entrust the bank with money and at what percentage. And after a while, get money. There are various options - deposits with compound interest or simply "on demand". The profit earned also depends on the timing of investments and the amount.
Step 2
Invest in gold (precious metals, coins) - this is a less profitable way, since gold rises in price when the economic situation in the market is unstable and, accordingly, falls when it is stable. Again, if you look at it from the other side, the value of gold is high, as its reserves are limited.
Step 3
The safest option is to invest in real estate (apartment, land, house). Housing is always in price and almost always liquid (you should analyze the level of demand for real estate in a particular area and a particular building). For example, with such an investment, it is worth considering buying options in shared construction, since here the price is per 1 sq. meter is slightly lower than in an already built house.
Step 4
Invest in securities (promissory notes, bonds, stocks), become a shareholder. If a certain company develops and grows successfully, then the value of shares also increases. Consequently, the shareholder has a part of the profit - dividends.
Step 5
Invest in a startup - a modern profitable investment, almost win-win and fast. Not all startups are successful, the risk of investment loss is present, as with other investment options.
Step 6
Although it is not fashionable now to invest in science, investments in innovative projects can give a decent profit. This will require a kind of special knowledge - an understanding of the prospects for various developments. You also need to be prepared for a crash or a long wait for results.