Financial planning covers all important aspects of the company's activities. In addition, it provides preliminary control over the emergence and use of labor, money and material resources, and also creates good conditions for improving the financial condition of the organization.

Step 1
At the very top of the sheet, write: "Plan of income and expenses." Next, mark the year in which this document is drawn up.
Step 2
Make a table to have 6 columns. In the first of them, in the first column in the "header" write: "Indicator". Next, in the second column, indicate the first quarter, in the third - the second, in the fourth - the third, in the fifth - the fourth quarter and in the last write: "total".
Step 3
Fill in the data in the table. List the name of income and expense indicators: - sales income; - costs of imported goods; - gross profit from sales; - general production costs; - sales costs; - advertising costs; - the amount of remuneration of management personnel; - depreciation; - other costs; - profit.
Step 4
Fill in the metric values by quarterly. To do this, you can use the balance sheet for previous periods and, based on those data, display planned values.
Step 5
Calculate the totals. In this case, enter all the data obtained in the last column. In order to calculate such values, you need to add up all the amounts for the quarters for each indicator.
Step 6
Remember that financial planning in a company should be interconnected with forecasting economic activity and be based on plan indicators (production and sales volume, capital investment plan, production cost estimates, etc.). However, the formation of a financial plan cannot be a simple arithmetic calculation of production indicators into some financial indicators.
Step 7
In the planning process, identify on-farm reserves that are not included in the standard indicators and find ways to make the most effective use of the productive capacity of the company. Identify ways to more efficiently spend money and material resources.