Making money on your farm is very real. But it is difficult to do it alone, it is better if there are assistants. Someone should be engaged in a fruitful garden and vegetable garden, someone - livestock, someone - processing products, and someone is engaged in marketing. This is the optimal distribution of responsibilities within the family.

It is necessary
Land, planting material, fertilizers, barn, livestock, equipment for the care and processing of products, a car, permits
Step 1
Grow early varieties of vegetables. For example, young carrots can be sold in bunches. In May - June, you will get more money for one bunch than in September - for a kilogram of good carrots. Be sure to plant greens. This product is in demand all year round. In the summer, it grows well in the open field; in the cold season, a separate heated greenhouse should be allocated for it. Don't limit yourself to dill and parsley. Celery, cilantro, basil, chervil grow well in the middle lane. Be sure to plant perennial herbs - tarragon and rosemary. They produce early greens that are always popular with consumers.
Step 2
Break up the garden. If young apple trees begin to bear fruit only 3-5 years after planting, then strawberry bushes will yield a harvest the next summer. So that your berries ripen earlier than those of your neighbors and, accordingly, bring you more money from the sale, cover the beds with several layers of thick plastic wrap in March, change it to spunbond in April. With this technology, by the beginning of June you will have ripened the first batch of fragrant berries. If possible, use remontant varieties - they bear fruit all summer.
Step 3
Grow bushes of black and red currants. With correctly selected varieties and good agricultural technology, up to 10 kg of berries can be obtained from each plant. In order for the currants to ripen earlier, a covered structure should also be erected over it in March. A good means of protecting currants from possible spring frosts is to burn fires in the aisles of a fruit-bearing garden. Another type of berry bushes that will make a profit is the undeservedly forgotten gooseberry. It was once called “northern grapes” because it is so rich in vitamins and microelements. But people today willingly buy gooseberries for their children.
Step 4
Set up a poultry yard. Breeding chickens does not require any special adaptations - a warm barn and a small perch in it are enough for them. By organizing a poultry house, you will earn up to 10 thousand rubles a week. You can also keep turkeys, geese and guinea fowls in the poultry yard. But ducks are additionally desirable for a reservoir. By the way, at present, the fashion for breeding such rare birds for our household plots as quails, partridges, hazel grouses and pheasants is actively reviving. They are eagerly snapped up by restaurants specializing in haute cuisine.
Step 5
Build a barn, get a cow. Of course, there is much more trouble with her than with a bird, but the income received from the sale of milk from one cow cannot be compared. Especially if you set up the production of fermented milk products. As practice shows, in any locality there will be enough regular customers for homemade cottage cheese, sour cream, butter and cheese.