How To Open A Rental Of Wedding Dresses

How To Open A Rental Of Wedding Dresses
How To Open A Rental Of Wedding Dresses

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A wedding salon is beautiful, profitable and interesting. However, brides and grooms are not always able to buy expensive outfits for themselves. But at the same time, many of them want to look fashionable, stylish and beautiful at the wedding. To the aid of such newlyweds comes the rental of wedding dresses. But few know how to organize their own business related to such services.

How to open a rental of wedding dresses
How to open a rental of wedding dresses


Step 1

First of all, you need to register yourself as a private entrepreneur. You can establish a company with any type of ownership - LLC, CJSC, OJSC, etc. But experts assure that the best option is an individual entrepreneur. Simultaneously with your own registration as an entrepreneur, develop a sample contract that you will conclude with each client.

Step 2

In order to open your own wedding dress rental shop, you need to find the right room. It is desirable that it be spacious enough. It is ideal if it has large windows so that there is as much natural light inside as possible. This is necessary in order for the dresses you offer to appear in front of the brides in the best possible way.

Step 3

Don't forget to arrange fitting rooms. They should be wide enough so that the bride can spin around in the dress and take a good look at herself in it. Also, do not forget about the comfort zone in the hall. For a dress, girls rarely come alone, so a sofa and a coffee table for accompanying people are needed. Put on magazines, put on treats in the form of fruits and cookies, provide an opportunity to offer tea-coffee to your guests.

Step 4

Take care of the assortment. Choose models of different levels for your salon. It can be quite simple dresses and representatives of fashion houses' collections. In order for your collection of outfits to be constantly replenished and at the same time not costing you too much, keep an eye on the seasonal sales. Even big-name fashion houses can sell dresses from their last year's collections with discounts of up to 60%.

Step 5

Offer your clients not only dresses, but also accessories. And for this you need to arrange a stand and showcases. Accessories can also be purchased with dresses.

Step 6

Professional sales assistants are the ones you need most. Such people are usually a bit psychologists and can offer the very appropriate outfit to the bride, as soon as they see her.

Step 7

Register as a seamstress. You need it in order to quickly repair the damage that appears on the dress. It is desirable that such an employee be very experienced. After all, all repair work in no case should be conspicuous.

Step 8

Be sure to contract with a verified dry cleaner. You need this so that all outfits do not lose their attractive and marketable appearance. After all, they are rented more than once. Therefore, proven specialists in washing and cleaning wedding dresses are vital for you. After all, any dress in your salon should look like new.

Step 9

Of course, worry about quality ads. Consider distributing leaflets near the metro and public transport stops, as well as shops. Place banners. Later you will be able to use the services of word of mouth.
