If you have a car, there are not so few options to make money. It is important that your car is in good condition and preferably attractive.

Step 1
Try a private taxi service. Most of these firms hire drivers with a private car. True, your car and you must meet certain requirements.
Step 2
Submit or search the newspapers for job advertisements as a driver. Some small firms find it expensive to buy and maintain a company car. For their production needs, they prefer to hire a driver with a private car. As a rule, you are offered a salary and compensation payments for gasoline and car operation.
Step 3
Offer your services to accompany weddings, various meetings, anniversaries, trips out of town - both one-day and several days.
Step 4
If you do not mind combining the work of a driver with some other business, get a job, for example, a sales representative or an insurance agent. Organizations of this kind give preference to employees with a private car.
Step 5
If you have a "Gazelle" type car - take up cargo transportation or get a driver-forwarding agent.
Step 6
If you are not satisfied with any of the options, and you do not have a strong need for a car, rent it out. Do not forget to draw up a lease agreement with a notary.