If you have analytical skills or experience working in investigative agencies, you can try your hand at the detective business, which generates good income. To start your own business, you will need to study the legal framework and collect a package of registration and permits.

Step 1
Review the Law on Private Detective and Security Activities in the Russian Federation to determine if you are subject to restrictions that prevent you from obtaining a private detective license. Article 6 of the Law lists the documents that you will need to provide in order to obtain a license. Determine what kind of detective services you will provide clients. You can also find a list of the activities that you are entitled to do in the Law. Remember the need to coordinate your activities in strict accordance with the law: any violations may threaten you with a revocation of your license.
Step 2
Register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur. Obtain a referral for fingerprinting at the Department of Internal Affairs at your place of registration from your local Department of Licensing and Permits. Pay the state fee for issuing a license. Submit to the Department of Internal Affairs the documents required for issuing a license and a receipt confirming the payment of the state fee.
Step 3
Create a business plan with clear ROI, costs and revenues. Determine the prices for certain types of detective services. Conduct a market analysis: it is quite possible that opening a detective and security agency will be much more profitable for you. Get your license and ID as a private detective. Since it is not safe to use your own apartment as an office, find a suitable space.
Step 4
Purchase all the necessary office equipment and technical means that you may need to work. Remember that the list of these means must be indicated in the information about the need for technical means and the intention to use them attached to the documents for obtaining a license.
Step 5
Find yourself assistants, best of all among the former employees of the internal affairs bodies. The nuances of the work require the detective to have the ability to act and reincarnate. In the process of developing your business, you may need a whole working group of professionals to collect information. It will be useful to have connections with the investigating authorities.