Private dentistry attracts entrepreneurs with high profitability, but in reality it turns out to be more difficult to create such an institution than it might seem at first glance. To obtain a license, a medical institution must submit to the licensing authorities the most detailed information, including information about the firms that carried out the repair of its premises.

It is necessary
- - a room redesigned specifically for a dental clinic;
- - a license from the Ministry of Health, permits from a number of authorities;
- - a set of dental equipment;
- - a staff of medical workers (the number depends on the size of the clinic), an administrator and several nurses.
Step 1
Start organizing a dental clinic by looking for a room that meets the requirements that Rospotrebnadzor imposes on such institutions. For example, according to the rules, a dental chair should be located near a window, respectively, how many chairs you plan to install, as many windows should be in the room. Each dental office in the clinic must be connected to the sewerage and ventilation systems.
Step 2
Collect all the documents necessary for obtaining a license and permits in several instances. Please be aware that dental surgery and pediatric dentistry services are licensed separately. The Rospotrebnadzor, the Fire Inspectorate and the local administration should give "good" at the beginning of your activity.
Step 3
Study all the information related to dental equipment before you think about purchasing it. It is best to consult with a specialist in this field, and not just any dentist who is accustomed to working with the same dental unit for many years. Only after reading the opinions of independent experts, order a set of equipment corresponding to the class of your clinic (best of all - on lease).
Step 4
Finally, begin to solve another important task that accompanies the opening of private dentistry - the selection of medical and administrative personnel. Doctors and nurses for the clinic will have to look for recommendations that can be obtained from organizations that unite Russian dentists. You can use standard recruiting channels to find an administrator and nurses.