Targeted financing is funds received by an organization from budgets of various levels, from legal entities and individuals, for strictly defined purposes. Accounting and tax accounting of targeted financing is maintained in accordance with certain requirements.

Step 1
Open passive account 86 "Target financing and receipts" in accounting. Create analytical accounts for him in the context of funding sources for the purpose of earmarked funds.
Step 2
Reflect the receipt of funds by making a record of the posting: Debit of account 76 "Settlements with different debtors and creditors", Credit account 86 "Target financing and receipts".
Step 3
Make a posting when spending funds for the maintenance of a non-profit organization: Debit of account 86 "Target financing and receipts", Credit of account 20 "Main production" or account 26 "General business expenses".
Step 4
Make a record of the transaction when sending budget funds to finance the expenses of a commercial organization: Debit of account 86 "Targeted financing and receipts", Credit of account 98 "Deferred income".
Step 5
Record the accounting entry when using targeted financing received in the form of investment funds: Debit of account 86 "Target financing and receipts", Credit of account 83 "Additional capital".
Step 6
Keep separate tax records of income and expenses of targeted financing in accordance with subparagraph 14 of paragraph 1 of Article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Otherwise, the funds received must be included in taxable income. Do not take into account the costs incurred within the framework of targeted financing as expenses when forming the taxable base for income tax.
Step 7
Reflect in the balance sheet of the commercial organization the balance of targeted financing as part of long-term liabilities if they are to be used for more than twelve months. If earmarked funding is to be used within twelve months, record them as short-term liabilities on the balance sheet.
Step 8
Include earmarked funds in equity (section III of the balance sheet) if the organization is non-profit. When drawing up the annual reports of such an organization, draw up an additional report on the targeted use of the funds received.