Stress, anxiety and depression are most often associated with financial problems in life. The question of lack of money is familiar to any person, regardless of his occupation and age. Coping with the financial difficulties that have arisen is sometimes difficult, but possible.

For many people, the onset of financial difficulties does not happen accidentally or suddenly. This can be the result of weak financial self-discipline or low motivation to achieve goals. Everyday small purchases, rash spending can cause a lack of money for today and a lack of savings for tomorrow.
Of course, in today's volatile economy, we have to cope with many difficulties - from lack of work or decent wages to the mortgage crisis and exorbitant loans. But it is quite possible to win in the fight against a difficult financial situation. You should not expect that it will be easy, it will take a lot of effort and time, but in no case should you give up and give up.
It is necessary to start with the main point - the analysis of the situation that has arisen. If it happened for reasons within your control, try to forgive yourself for all the mistakes you made. You should not drive yourself into a corner, exacerbating your own guilt - it is better to start looking for a solution to the problem.
Don't borrow money. You need to reconsider your attitude to debt. Borrowed amounts are often the first stepping stone to financial ruin in life. Sometimes buying on credit seems like a reasonable and necessary option, but later loans become an exorbitant burden that falls on the family budget and leads to depression. And there is a possibility that from the moment you took out a loan, the situation with your income may change, and its repayment will be very difficult.
Even if the situation seems hopeless to you, this is not a reason to think that life is over. There is no need to fall into despondency and despair. Be wary of depression. A financial crisis in life can lead to dire health consequences. Try to share your problems with your loved ones, consult with others, and, if necessary, use the services of a psychologist. All problems can be solved if you objectively look at the current state of affairs and draw up a clear plan of action.
To understand why you have financial holes, you will have to keep strict records of your income and expenses. Record and analyze your results every day.
Plan your entire monthly budget in advance. By the end of the month, a plan for future costs should be drawn up. You need to highlight the mandatory and urgent payments: utilities, school fees, kindergarten. Consider the costs of buying the necessary clothing and shoes. You can distribute the remaining amount over the weeks for daily needs: groceries, transportation costs, buying detergents. Try to stick to this plan strictly within your weekly budget.
You can solve problems with a lack of money by finding a part-time job. Today, the Internet provides ample opportunities for this. Try looking for part-time jobs.
Take up the study of reference books, try to find time to improve your professional level; talk at work with your management about the possibility of combining functions, or about options for increasing wages.
Sometimes it seems embarrassing to ask for financial help. But you should not be ashamed to do this, especially with loved ones, and those who care about you.
As grim as your current financial situation is, you need to muster the courage to get your finances in order. But for this you have to work hard, and a solution can always be found.