Passports are used in the WebMoney electronic payment system. The lower the level of the certificate, the more limited a person is in using the system. When registering on WebMoney, a pseudonym certificate is automatically issued. The basic one in the system is a personal passport.

Step 1
Certification of electronic wallets is a procedure that allows a person to confirm their personal data and get more opportunities in an electronic payment system.
Step 2
For the first time, the term "attestation" was introduced by the WebMoney system. There are several types of common passports in it: a pseudonym passport, formal, initial and personal passports. The procedure for obtaining them in the WebMoney system is carried out on the website of the Certification Center.
Step 3
Each person who has registered in the system receives a pseudonym certificate. At the same time, the specified personal data is not verified, which imposes restrictions on payments.
Step 4
Formal passport in WebMoney is issued after entering passport data. As in the case of a pseudonym passport, this data is also not validated. Obtaining a formal certificate allows the user to gain access to a number of system services. People with formal passports can replenish their e-wallets through terminals, using bank or postal transfers.
Step 5
Holders of formal passports who have passed passport data verification gain access to more advanced system capabilities and can withdraw money from their electronic wallets. In particular, they can withdraw funds using a money transfer service, bank transfer, use WebMoney Cards debit cards, and also accept funds from customers through the Merchant WebMoney Transfer interface (with some restrictions). In addition to the above, the owners of formal passports have the right to leave reviews about the sites participating in the system on the WebMoney Advisor service.
Step 6
Owners of initial passports get even more opportunities in the WebMoney system. They have increased limits on transferring funds to other system participants and withdrawing funds to bank cards.
Step 7
The main passport in the electronic payment system WebMoney is personal. Unlike other certificates, its receipt is carried out on a paid basis. On average, obtaining a personal passport costs about 10-15 WMZ. People who have received a personal passport get the opportunity to use the credit exchange, create trading platforms using the DigiSeller service, have increased limits on depositing and withdrawing funds from the system - including using Star / Plus bank cards. To obtain a personal certificate, you need to contact a regional registrar - a participant in the Certification Center program, who has the right to issue personal certificates.