What Is Profitable To Buy In The Summer To Save Money

What Is Profitable To Buy In The Summer To Save Money
What Is Profitable To Buy In The Summer To Save Money

Video: What Is Profitable To Buy In The Summer To Save Money

Video: What Is Profitable To Buy In The Summer To Save Money
Video: 16 Expensive Things You Need to Buy to Save Money 2024, October

Many things can be purchased much cheaper during the hot season. The main thing is to calculate everything correctly.

Summer sales
Summer sales

Summer clothes

Prices for the summer collection begin to decline at the end of June. But if at this time the discounts are small - 10–20%, then by the beginning of August they reach 70%. At this time, it is necessary to go to the sales.

In the meantime, you can go shopping, take a note of the things that you would like to purchase, and write down their current cost in a notebook. Then, during the sale, it will help to check if the store actually made the discount as indicated on the advertising signs.

However, if the item you like remains in the form of 2-3 pieces, there is a risk that it will not live to see the sale. It might be worth getting it early.


In the summer, buying a fur coat can save up to 50% of its cost. But we are talking only about old models, which were delivered last year. If you dream of a new product, then, unfortunately, there is no need to talk about discounts. New models of fur fashion appear in stores closer to August, and prices for them do not decrease until spring. At this time, the assortment is still quite large, but the discounts are minimal. Therefore, for those who are looking for the greatest benefit, it is reasonable to look after a fur coat in the winter and purchase in the summer.

garden tools

During the peak summer season, lawn mowers, shovels and other tools are sold at the maximum price. Therefore, you should not buy such things in the summer. It is better to write down what kind of inventory you are missing at the dacha and wait until August. Stores start selling garden supplies this month. And in September and October, when most people close the summer cottage season, prices fall by 20-50%. During this period, even a technique that seemed too expensive may be affordable for you.


Televisions, computers, vacuum cleaners and similar items are cheaper in summer than any other season. The reason is simple: in the hot season, people disperse and consumer demand falls. Usually, goods become cheaper by 10-15%. And if you buy not new items in the summer, but old models, then in general you can save up to 40% of the purchase cost. This is especially true for computer equipment and gadgets, which are updated almost monthly. To save money, buy last year's models.


Few can buy housing anyway, and during the holidays, the demand for square meters decreases even more. Therefore, developers and realtors attract potential buyers with all kinds of promotions and discounts. However, as a rule, they do not exceed 10-15% of the cost of housing.

Country house

At the end of summer, when the summer cottage season comes to an end, prices for garden plots go down. The same applies to uncultivated and undeveloped land plots. The peak decline in prices occurs in the winter, but buying land at this time is not worth it. Since the site will be covered with snow, you will not be able to appreciate all the pros and cons (soil quality, the presence of berry bushes, the health of fruit trees, etc.). So it is better to make the choice in late summer or autumn.
