The dollar exchange rate has been growing throughout the history of our country. Why is this happening, who benefits from it and what to do in order to save their money and not end up with a broken trough in the next few years?

Why is our currency getting cheaper?
The thing is that our country is a net exporter, that is, we sell more abroad than we buy from abroad. So, in 2018, the trade surplus amounted to about $ 200 billion, or more than RUB 13 trillion.

Is it a lot or a little?
For comparison, the budget of Russia for 2019 is 18 trillion rubles.
What can you do with that kind of money?
This money can almost double the budget of our country.

Why is the country not investing these super profits in the economy?
If the state and business begins to exchange these dollars for rubles, there will be a sharp strengthening of the ruble. Indeed, in order to change them, you will need to sell dollars and buy rubles, and, as you know, with an increase in demand for any product, its price begins to rise.
Is the strengthening of the ruble bad?
The thing is that the largest corporations in the country are exporters of goods with low added value, that is, oil, metals, grain, gas, etc., you all know them very well. They call the tune.
Why is a weak ruble exchange rate beneficial to the state and business?
Thus, our country and business reduce production costs. After all, before, when the course was 30 rubles. per dollar, a salary of 30,000 rubles was equal to 1,000 dollars, now our companies can pay half as much, that is, 30,000 rubles are already equal to 500 dollars. And the companies' revenues remained at the same level. That is, for example, before, when exporting for $ 2,000, the profit of business owners was $ 2,000 (revenue) - $ 1,000 (or RUB 30,000 costs) = $ 1,000. Now $ 2,000 - $ 500 (the same 30,000 rubles) = $ 1,500.
The profit increased out of the blue by one and a half times, at the same time our employee did not even notice anything, because he receives and spends in rubles.

What to do with all this?
Given the current economic situation in the world, when the currencies of developing countries are constantly devaluating, the best option for saving your funds in the long term would be to invest in currencies and companies of developed countries.