How To Get Out Of The Global Crisis

How To Get Out Of The Global Crisis
How To Get Out Of The Global Crisis

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More than one year has passed since the beginning of the great crash in autumn 2008, but it is still difficult to say when the crisis will actually end and how to get out of it. The leaders of the world powers have gathered more than a dozen times to draw up a list of measures to take the world economy out of a deep hole. Judging by their actions, it is difficult for now to count on a cloudless future.

How to get out of the global crisis
How to get out of the global crisis

It is necessary

Strong reserve currency, savings in their own currency, gold reserves, several sources of income, own house outside the city, garden / vegetable garden


Step 1

So, what needs to be done to correct the crisis situation and ensure the living standards of the population at an appropriate level? This question is asked not only by presidents, financial analysts, but also by ordinary citizens. The latter suffered the most from illiterate financial policies and the subsequent collapse. Our task is to find solutions for both states and ordinary people. A new economic order needs to be created. The leaders of the countries talk a lot about this measure at the summits. Russia is taking an active part in this. It is proposed to diversify the currencies that central banks use as reserve currencies. In other words, for the world economy to be stable, you need to create the same stable currency for the reserve. That is, governments are planning to make a wider range of stable currencies and stimulate local financial centers.

Step 2

It is also expected to create a new supranational currency, which will be issued by all major financial institutions, for example: the IMF. The very first task is to make sure that the leaders of the major powers recognize this currency and take coordinated measures in this regard. Such a currency will be designed to strengthen the global economy, securing it in the event of a collapse. All these measures are needed to strengthen the global financial and monetary system. Also, the supranational currency will help reduce the influence of individual states on the world economy.

Step 3

Let's touch on the topic of an individual and measures to overcome the crisis. First of all, sort out your personal financial situation: get rid of debt (!), Create yourself a reserve in your national currency. Just imagine for a moment that you are out of work! How long can you live without a paycheck? For this, you need a cash reserve for at least six months.

Step 4

Create multiple sources of income. Remember that enterprises are unstable during a crisis. This means that you must always have a backup option: business, investments, an additional place where you can get a job. Also, do not get hung up on business in real life, since with the development of technology, now you can build a business on the Internet.

Step 5

Buy gold. As strong as international currencies are, they can collapse overnight. Therefore, it is better to have a real solid valuable stock, which can then be exchanged for any currency in an emergency.

Step 6

Look for escape routes. You should never rely only on the economy of a country or the world. Always have a backup. To get out of the crisis, you need to create certain living conditions for yourself: a dacha, a garden, a vegetable garden, a suburban eco-house. So you can protect your family in case of force majeure.
