He is really called a financial genius, because Warren "sees" profit in the simplest and most ordinary things. So, already from childhood, one can note his craving for finance, because this richest man in the field of investment activity at the age of 6 received, albeit not great, but profit. It was $ 5.05, which he received thanks to three shares and several bottles of Coca-Cola.

It should be noted that Warren earned his first million dollars at the age of 31, although plans to receive it were listed in the 30th year of his life. He even told his family that if by the age of 30 he could not become a millionaire, then he had no reason to live and he would jump off the roof of a skyscraper.
How did Warren Buffett make his fortune, whose biography is replete with many interesting facts? The main activity, as mentioned above, for Warren is investments, and investments are long-term. Having earned a small start-up capital in his youth, Warren closely communicates with one of the leaders of Columbia University, who opens his eyes to how investors live and profit. And the book of this university teacher - "The Reasonable Investor", became for Buffett the best manual of a businessman.
Then the first more significant capital (about 10 thousand dollars) was received, which W. Buffett wanted to invest in any company. Warren did so, without stopping, however, from trading and working.
So, by 1956, he was able to found his own company and receive significant profits from his investment projects. Over the years, Warren has only been buying shares in promising companies that generate hundreds of percent of profits.
Naturally, one cannot help but make mistakes on the path to fame or fortune. As Warren Buffett noted, the biography of his formation and business development also has a fairly significant number of such mistakes. However, despite this, he was able to find the necessary algorithm of actions and correctly assess the situation in order to achieve the desired result, even after many years (according to him, investments that will bring significant profits must work for at least 10 years).