Cash payments to workers should be calculated and paid 2 times a month. If this does not happen at your enterprise, then this is a direct violation of labor laws. Therefore, the advance payment must be accrued. This can be done in different ways.

Step 1
Charge a fixed monthly advance for all workers. According to this scheme, at the end of the month you need to calculate the remaining amount, add a premium and monetary rewards to it, subtract the amount of tax and add the amount of the regional coefficient.
Step 2
The advance payment can never exceed half of the employee's wage rate. Therefore, you can charge half of the tariff rate for the past month. Consequently, the amount of advance payment for each individual worker will be different. At the end of the month, calculate the remaining amount, add the premium and monetary rewards, the amount of the regional coefficient and subtract the amount of tax for the entire month from the amount received.
Step 3
It can be calculated according to the third scheme. To do this, you need to accrue an advance in the amount of half of the salary, add the amount of the regional coefficient for half a month and subtract the amount of tax for half a month. When calculating wages, you need to proceed in a similar way. Only in this case, you must first add cash rewards and a bonus to the amount received. Only then deduct the tax amount.
Step 4
If an employee wrote an application for an additional advance payment, then it can be charged if the amount for the previously worked days, taking into account the advance payment already received and tax deduction, allows this to be done.