With the development of banks and the increase in the number of their services, new concepts and terms enter our life. Many of us are simply lost from the flow of incomprehensible words. Such illiteracy is unacceptable if a person wants to take out a loan, get a mortgage, or even just open a salary, retirement account in one of the banks.

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for a person to "get lost" in a conversation with a bank employee or prospective employer. This causes psychological trauma, even serves as a source of the appearance of self-doubt at the level of a phobia. When hiring for a job, ignorance of some terms can be perceived as a sign of the lack of the required level of employee qualifications, etc. When contacting a bank to open an account or obtain a loan, ignorance of basic terms and basic concepts can be said to be dangerous, because in this case there is a great risk of signing an unfavorable agreement for yourself, simply not understanding what you are being told about. One of these simple and complex concepts at the same time is the "bank card holder".
Who is it
The holder of a card or deposit is its immediate owner, that is, the one in whose name the bank account or card is issued. The holder can be either an individual or a legal entity, for example, a factory, a retail outlet or some kind of fund, in a word, an organization. All accompanying documents are drawn up in this name or brand, an agreement is signed with him and he becomes the owner of the account, gets the opportunity to dispose of it and carry out operations with it at his discretion, to manage it. Any encroachment on his property by others is considered a crime and is punishable by law. If the owner of the card is an individual, or rather just a person, then his name and initials will be stamped on its face. Some banks practice placing photos on the card.
Cardholder rights
The owner (holder) of a card or bank account, as mentioned above, can dispose of funds for them as he wishes. When filling out an application for this type of service in a financial institution, the client has the right to indicate all his wishes, for example, the possibility of obtaining an additional card for his relatives (wife, children, parents) with the ability to control the expenditure of funds for them. If necessary, the holder can block access to the money on the account or open it by simply calling the bank operator. Upon his application, the financial organization must be provided with complete information on transactions on his account.
The obligations of the cardholder are described in detail in the cooperation agreement, and each bank has its own requirements for the client. The main ones are not to hand the card into the hands of third parties (outsiders), not to disclose the access password for transactions and immediately inform the bank representatives about the loss or damage of the plastic storage medium in order to protect your savings from theft.