Often, when making payments with a bank card, the data of the cardholder is requested on the Internet systems. There are some nuances regarding the owner and holder of a bank card that must be clearly understood.

Bank cards have long become a reliable companion in our daily life. Every day they open up more and more opportunities. With a plastic card, you can not only withdraw money from an ATM, but also pay various bills on the Internet and retail network. There are two types of plastic bank cards: non-personalized and personalized. The first type contains a set of numbers printed on the surface - the card number. And the personalized card, in addition to the number, contains the name and surname of the person for whom the card account is opened - the cardholder. At the same time, one should not confuse the cardholder and its owner, since they differ significantly. The funds that are stored on the bank card belong to the cardholder and are always at his disposal. Of course, there are exceptions - by a court decision, the bank can block access to the account. At the same time, the plastic card itself is the property of the bank, therefore it is subject to return upon expiration. This is usually spelled out in the bank card service agreement.
Additional card holder
In the banking sector, there is also such a term as an additional card holder. The bottom line is that there is one card account, and there are two or more plastic cards attached to it. One of them is the main one, issued in the name of the account holder, and the holder of additional cards can be family members or anyone who is trusted by the account holder. The convenience of such a scheme is obvious: holders of the main and additional cards can use the same account independently of each other. Often, such cards are opened by parents to their student children who study in other cities, so that at any time there is access to funds. To open an additional card, the owner of the card account should contact the bank and fill out a questionnaire. At the same time, it is worth opening an additional card for the person you trust and allow access to your own funds.
Corporate card holder
Corporate bank cards are opened by business entities - legal entities - in order to simplify the control of travel funds. In addition, the opening of such cards frees the accountant from unnecessary red tape with the issuance of funds for the report. In this case, the corporate card holder is an employee of the company, in whose name it is open. In this case, the card is tied directly to the account of the legal entity and usually has a certain limit for the security of the company.