To make money on an online magazine, you need to not only publish interesting articles, but also have a certain set of knowledge in the field of virtual entrepreneurship. For example, learn how to attract advertisers, negotiate, place advertising banners and links on the site, participate in an affiliate program, and so on.

Step 1
There are two main ways to generate income from an online magazine: direct and indirect. The direct route is through advertising, sponsorship, affiliate income, and getting paid for publications.
Step 2
Attracting advertisers to your site directly depends on the size of the subscriber base. The larger your audience, the more effective link placement in your online magazine will become. However, keep in mind that filling your site with ads that are too dense can scare away readers as it will make it difficult to read the body copy.
Step 3
Combine different methods of advertising placement: graphic (banners), text (individual links and links in the text of articles), contextual (according to recent requests of a specific user), ribbon ads (in RSS), sponsored.
Step 4
Try to place ads that are relevant to the topic of your publications. When concluding a contract with an advertiser, specify the details of payment, it can be made in three ways: for each click on this link, for a certain number of impressions (for example, 1000), for the purchase of a product or service by reference (the user made a real payment).
Step 5
Indirect income from an online magazine is earning on your authority. You have gained a certain audience and earned a name for yourself, now, thanks to these two factors, you can expand your business and generate additional income. There are several such ways: working as a freelance author in a large publication, writing a book, speaking to subscribers (seminars), paid consulting, etc.
Step 6
The ideal situation is when the possibility of passive earnings is achieved. Any person dreams of this, because passive income is credited to your account even when you are not physically working, and this income is quite stable. However, do not rest on your laurels, because the Internet business, like any other, needs to be supported. Develop, write interestingly, do not stoop to plagiarism or use templates.