What Help Do Anti-collectors Provide To Debtors?

What Help Do Anti-collectors Provide To Debtors?
What Help Do Anti-collectors Provide To Debtors?

When receiving loans from a bank, people do not assume that situations may occur in their lives in which the return of borrowed funds turns out to be an unbearable burden.


This can happen when the borrower loses his job or decreases the income level of the borrower. At the same time, penalties and penalties are charged on a loan debt on a daily basis, the amount of which may exceed the full cost of the loan. The situation is complicated by the debtors themselves, not informing the bank about the difficulties associated with repayment of the loan and not hoping for help from the credit institution.

Banking institutions, having not received an application from the borrower about financial difficulties in repaying credit funds, sell his debt obligations to a collection agency. Ways of "knocking out" debts by agencies are often illegal. In this case, it makes sense for the debtor to seek legal assistance from an anti-collection company.

Antikollektor is a company or company representative that provides qualified legal assistance in protecting the rights of borrowers in front of collection agencies or other debt collection agencies.

The duties of anti-collection companies include:

- detailed research of the debtor's credit case;

- conducting a dialogue with creditor banks or collectors;

- legal assistance in court or preparation of documents for going to court (if the dispute between the creditor and the debtor is not resolved out of court);

- work both to reduce the amount of debt obligations and lower lending rates, and to refinance debt, including writing off the entire debt.

Tactics of behavior of debtors with collectors, recommendations of anti-collectors

Qualified anti-collectors will help the debtor choose the right tactics for dealing with creditors. Borrowers should be aware of several recommendations from professional lawyers and attorneys specializing in anti-debt collection assistance.

• One of the main recommendations of anti-collectors is the evasion of debtors from oral agreements with creditors.

• All financial issues related to money are made only in writing.

• Borrowers should not contact collectors by phone or e-mail.

• The debtor is advised to refrain from personal communication with creditors, but at the same time, you should not ignore letters from the collection agency, which contain information about the actions taken by creditors to recover debts.

Naturally, anti-collectors will not help debtors avoid all loan obligations, but they can help find tricks that will reduce penalties and interest on loans or achieve deferred payments.
