You can start investing at any age, but it is better to think about it in your youth, in order to provide yourself with a solid cash supply by your old age. Having no experience in financial activities, you should focus on conservative investment methods.

Step 1
Any bank offers at least one deposit option. As a rule, the more reliable the bank, the lower its interest rate. To open, you need a passport and an amount of money corresponding to the minimum possible size of the deposit. With a certain frequency, the bank calculates the interest fixed in the agreement. The accumulated amount will increase annually and bring more and more income. Over time, gaining experience, you can transfer money from one bank to another, following the most favorable interest rates. Usually, the best deposit offers are placed before the new year, when banks are trying to raise funds received by clients in annual bonuses, bonuses and thirteenth salaries.
Step 2
An alternative to a bank deposit can be the so-called impersonal metal account (OMS). You deposit funds that are “pegged” to the corresponding amount of precious metal of your choice (mainly gold, silver, platinum or palladium) at its market value on the day you open the account. At the same time, the bank does not guarantee a specific income (or a small percentage in the case of a deposit CHI) on the money invested, but the amount directly depends on the market price of the metal. As a rule, in the long term, the client makes a profit anyway. The account can be closed at any time.
Step 3
Mutual investment funds (PIFs) are becoming more and more popular among the population. This is a form of collective trust management, when the funds of the shareholders are pooled by the management company for subsequent investment in certain sectors of the market. In this case, economic knowledge is not required from you. You put money in the hands of professionals who, like you, are interested in the highest possible investment results. In order to become a shareholder, you need to choose a management company, draw up and sign an application for the purchase of shares and deposit the amount into an account opened for this purpose. Further, you will only have to observe the change in the value of the share during the year. It should be noted that mutual funds are a long-term investment instrument, because show a tangible increase in investments only in the time interval of 7-10 years. However, you can redeem (sell) shares at any time by submitting an application to your management company.