It so happens that a person does not have the opportunity to receive wages, scholarships, royalties and other payments personally: he is in a hospital, is in another city, etc. But you can entrust it to someone else by issuing a power of attorney. When issuing money under this document, the cashier must follow certain rules.

It is necessary
Regulations on the procedure for conducting cash transactions with banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia on the territory of the Russian Federation of 12.10.2011 N 373-P
Step 1
Study the contents of the power of attorney carefully. It must indicate the essential conditions: - date and place of the commission; - details of the principal and the authorized person: surname, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, registration address, passport details or other identity document: series, number, by whom and when issued; - a list of powers, for example: "Receive the salary due to me, sign for me on receipt of money in the payroll"; - validity period; - signature of the principal; - signature of the person certifying the signature of the principal.
Step 2
Keep in mind that a power of attorney, which does not indicate the date of its execution, is void. If the period of its validity is not specified, then it is recognized as equal to one year.
Step 3
The certification inscription can be made by a notary, the head of the organization in which the principal works, or the educational institution in which he studies, by the hospital administration, if he is undergoing inpatient treatment, as well as by the housing maintenance organization. Please note that a seal must be attached to the certification signature.
Step 4
Check the consistency of the last name, first name, patronymic of the recipient of the money on the payroll and the same information about the principal. Check the information about the authorized person indicated in the text of the power of attorney with the data of the passport or other document proving his identity, which must be presented in the original.
Step 5
After making sure that the person has the authority, issue him the amount due to the principal, taking from him the receipt in the appropriate field of the payroll. Next to the signature, mark "by proxy". If money is issued on a cash-flow order, make sure that the amount received is written in numbers and in words.
Step 6
Attach the power of attorney to your payroll or cash order. If it is issued for several payments, make the required number of copies, certify in accordance with the procedure established in your organization, and use them with each payment.