If you decide to lend a certain amount of money to an individual, lawyers recommend taking a receipt from the borrower to receive the funds. For legal entities in such a situation, the guarantee will be an agreement between the parties to the transaction or an IOU. According to the law, a receipt is issued if the amount of debt does not exceed 10 times the minimum wage, but it is worth insuring yourself.

It is necessary
loan, paper and pen
Step 1
By itself, the issued receipt is not a loan agreement and cannot eliminate the need to conclude a written agreement, but in order to collect the debt, the receipt received is sufficient to confirm the fact of the transfer of funds. Legislation does not establish mandatory requirements for issuing a receipt, but there is a list of rules due to which a receipt will have legal force.
Step 2
A receipt for receipt of funds must be written exclusively by hand, since only in this case it will be possible to prove its authenticity. It is imperative to indicate the date and place where it was drawn up, as well as note the period during which the borrower undertakes to return the funds. In some cases, the final date of the refund is indicated. All data should be entered both in words and in numbers.
Step 3
Then it is necessary to indicate the identifying data of the person who borrowed: full name, passport data, date of birth, address of registration and actual residence. It is advisable to enter the contact details as well. In the text of the receipt itself, you must indicate in words and in numbers the amount of borrowed funds and the currency in which the amount was received.
Step 4
At the bottom left is the date of compilation, on the right is the signature. It is not recommended to leave empty spaces between the lines, since in this case it can be supplemented. It is better to transfer money in the presence of two people, so that in the event of a dispute, they can appear in court as witnesses. Those present must also sign and enter their passport and contact details.
Step 5
Having on hand a receipt for the receipt of funds, it is possible to recover the transferred amount from the debtor in court. A receipt for receipt of funds is valid not from the moment of its execution, but from the moment of transfer of money. The Civil Code states that failure to comply with the written form of such a transaction cannot deprive of the right, in the event of a dispute, to refer to the testimony of witnesses in confirming the transaction.