There are no strict requirements for a business card. But logic dictates that it should contain information about where and by whom its owner works, the profile of the organization's activities and possible ways of communication. There are also certain traditions and peculiarities of perception, from which recommendations regarding the design of a business card follow.

Step 1
If we are talking about a business card of an employee, including a top manager of the highest rank, the name of the company must be present on the card. The best option is in the form of a logo. It is also necessary to indicate the position held. Usually the logo is located in the upper left corner, the last name, first name and patronymic are in the center, below them in a smaller font the position. Contact phone number, email address and other methods of communication, if they are used for work (Skype, ICQ, etc.), are indicated in the lower left corner, often below the line. The site of the organization can be indicated in the lower right corner next to the logo or under the name, if it is shown in the title line.
Step 2
If the official name of the organization and the brand associated with it have different names (for example, the little-known CJSC Sonic-Duo and the mobile operator Megafon), it is optimal to reflect both.
In some cases, it is preferable to give priority to a more recognizable name. For example, if a popular newspaper is published by a publishing house with a different name, which is not particularly well known to anyone.
Step 3
When making a business card of an individual entrepreneur or a single handicraftsman without this status, it is best to reflect the services rendered to him instead of a position. If these services are already very diverse, for example, interpretation and translation and apartment renovation, it is better not to lump everything together, but to print your own version of a business card for each type of service. If you have the status of an entrepreneur, you can indicate it above the surname in a smaller print.
Step 4
The general requirement for business card design is that the stricter the better. Black text on a white background is preferred. However, it may be acceptable to keep a business card in corporate colors, provided that all information is easy to read, and in general, the design does not cause discomfort to the eyes. Colorful business cards with an abundance of different colors look undignified.
Step 5
Business cards in two languages also make a bad impression, at least with two versions on the front side and on the back, at least with a duplicate inscription in English next to the Russian text on the front side. It is better to make a set of business cards for each language.