The volume of goods produced or sold is the amount of all products produced over a certain period of time (for example, for the reporting year).

Step 1
Determine the volume of goods in monetary terms. To do this, multiply its quantity by the unit cost. The calculation may be different if the product is not homogeneous, and the cost, accordingly, differs. In this case, calculate separately the volume of goods for each batch, and then add up all the values obtained.
Step 2
Calculate the volume of goods in comparable prices (these are prices for a specific year or for a specific date). Such prices can be known or fixed, as well as calculated through certain coefficients (for example, through the inflation rate). In order to find the volume of goods in comparable prices, it is necessary to multiply the amount of all products produced by their value for a certain year. You can also adjust the volume of goods at current prices by the required coefficient.
Step 3
Find the volume of goods sold over a certain period of time (for a quarter, year or six months). As a rule, you should know the values of the stock balances at the end, as well as at the beginning of a given period. Therefore, in order to determine the volume of goods within a certain period of time, add to the volume of products that was produced during this period, the remains of the goods at the beginning of the specified time. Then subtract from the received amount the remainder of the products that were in the warehouse at the end of the required period.
Step 4
Calculate the volume of goods released in monetary terms as a summation of finished goods, which must be taken at the beginning and end of the reporting period. After that, subtract from the resulting value the sum of the remainder of all manufactured goods for a certain period.
Step 5
Determine the volume of goods, taking into account the work in progress, but which needs to be launched into production activities. To do this, subtract the volume of work in progress at the beginning of the period from the volume of goods to be released in the current year. Next, subtract the volume of work in progress at the end of the period from the resulting value.