Publishing a magazine is, on the one hand, a rather complicated process that requires knowledge of many nuances and subtleties, but on the other hand, it is exactly the same business as any other. A lot of people have become famous and have achieved success in the publishing industry.

Step 1
First of all, you need to decide on the topic of your journal, circulation, frequency, number of headings and pages. You also need to decide whether your publication will be advertising or informational. In the second case, the volume of advertising in it cannot exceed 40%. If you do not want to register as a media outlet, please note that you will have to limit yourself to no more than 1000 copies of the circulation and refuse to sell the magazine through the retail network. However, if registration does not scare you, then you need to prepare an application for media registration, pay a fee and contact Roskomnadzor. In addition, registration as an entrepreneur is required.
Step 2
After receiving all permits and certificates, you can start forming the editorial office. You will need an editor, photographer, journalists, layout designer, advertising agents, accountant. Develop a layout for the first issue of the magazine, select relevant topics. Ideally, your advertising department should ensure that ad space is filled by the first release, because advertising is the main source of income for the print publication.
Step 3
You also need to find a print shop that will print your magazine, think about a delivery and distribution system. In addition, you will need a financial plan, a schedule for the release of issues with approximate themes, and standard contracts for advertising placement. Decide if you will only use your own articles or reprint texts from the Internet.
Step 4
For your magazine to be successful, you need to not only fill it with interesting texts and photographs, but also tell potential readers about it. To do this, it will be necessary to conduct an advertising campaign using outdoor advertising means, contests with prizes, and the publication of discount coupons.
Step 5
Even if the first issue of the magazine didn't get enough attention to instantly increase circulation, don't be discouraged. Circulation growth is a fairly long process that will take place gradually. You may need to rethink the distribution scheme, lower the retail price, work on the theme, or run an additional advertising campaign.