Working capital are those assets of an enterprise that are used for the continuity of its activities. They include stocks of finished goods, production inventories, work in progress, accounts receivable and funds in the accounts and in the cash desk of the enterprise.

Step 1
Determination of the need for working capital is carried out in the process of rationing, i.e. determination of the standard of working capital. There are three methods of rationing: the direct counting method, analytical and coefficient methods.
Step 2
The essence of the direct account method is that a reasonable calculation of stocks for each type of working capital is made, taking into account the technical development of the enterprise, transportation of products and the practice of settlements between counterparties. This method is the most time consuming, but it most accurately allows you to determine the need for working capital.
Step 3
So the standard of working capital in the composition of raw materials and materials is calculated as the product of the average daily requirement for material and the stock rate in days. The latter takes into account the time for transportation, storage, preparation of materials for work.
Step 4
The norm of working capital in stocks of containers, spare parts, special tools is calculated as the product of the norm of the stock in rubles, set to a certain indicator, by the planned value of the latter. For example, the stock rate for containers, special tools and special devices are set in rubles per thousand rubles of marketable products in wholesale prices.
Step 5
The norm of working capital in stocks of finished goods in the warehouse of an enterprise is defined as the product of the average daily output of finished goods at the production cost and the norm of the stock of finished goods in days, which includes the time of selection by assortment, accumulation of products before the shipment batch, transportation.
Step 6
The analytical method is used when no significant changes in the operation of the enterprise are expected in the planning period. At the same time, the standard for working capital is determined in aggregate, taking into account the ratio between the rate of increase in production and the size of working capital in the past period.
Step 7
With the coefficient method, the new standard is determined on the basis of the standard of the previous period by making adjustments to it, taking into account the conditions of production, supply, sales of products and calculations.